So after 2 lengthy games, I have emerge victorious. Thanks to Toganalper for staying up so late to play.
Game 1: AC12 Camerinium (298 BC)
Samnite: Toganalper: 5 Banners won, 27 Blocks lost
Roman: Mark McG: 6 Banners won, 23 Blocks lost
A brief vulnerability on the Samnite left with an unsupported cavalry was leapt upon by the Roman cavalry, and in a fortunate set of dice, 2 Samnite MC were destroyed. The Roman MC then retired, thankful not to be trapped. The Roman light units then Skirmished and delayed until the Samnite line broke up, and after a particularly determined stand on a hill by a Roman Auxilia (Auxilia on a hill, a perfect combination), the Roman Legions could push forwards and wrest the game out of Samnite hands.
Game 2: AC12 Camerinium (298 BC)
Samnite: Mark McG : 6 Banners won, 22 Blocks lost
Roman: Toganalper: 4 Banners won, 24 Blocks lost
Learning my lesson from Game 1, the Samnite cavalry stayed put, in a neat triangle. Despite this, and early Roman MC losses, and a first strike card, one Samite MC deserted (3 banners on 3d, and another fled the advance (1 banner). The Samnites surrounded the successful Roman cavalry, eventually killed it after a misfire, leader escapes, attack vs 2nd cavalry also misfires. In the end, both Roman cavalry lie dead, Roman leader escapes, and all 3 Samnite cavalry are dispatched. 3-2 Roman way, and looking tough to take the Romans with out losing 3 more banners.
However, the Samnites have advantages, and after much maneuvering and Light unit play, the Samnite Left gets into the woods, and the Samnite line is moving forwards (2-3 units at a time). The Roman line is also coming forwards, and the Samnite Auxilia take good look, and decide discretion is the better part of valour and move back. The Roman line breaks up, and the Samnites seize the opportunity to Double Time forward, which is damn near a game looser. A Roman Heavy Infantry is taken down, but with critical losses to the Samnite Heavy Infantry. The Roman Leader advances his Centre, softening the other Samnite Heavy infantry, though a lucky battle back eliminates 1 Medium Infantry outright. The Roman Heavy infantry eliminates 1 HI, and rolls 3 flags vs the other, a lucky escape. The Samnites hunker down, eliminating a Roman Auxilia on a hill, bringing the game to 5-4. Another 3 banner attack fails to kill of a Samnite Auxilia, and the Samnite left launches their Warriors into action driving a Light slinger from the field. A very hard fought Samnite victory.
I'd rate this scenario as pro-Samnite, with more cards, leaders and cavalry. The experience with the Samnite cavalry destruction in both games is probably atypical