Terrain tiles are placed on the battlefield when setting up a scenario and will remain in place and in effect for the entire game unless a scenario specifies removal.
Note - On the terrain summary card, the letters “NB” in the Battle Effects section indicates that there is No Battle for this unit.
A hex that does not have a terrain tile is considered clear and does not have any movement or battle restrictions.
Movement: A unit or lone leader that enters a forest hex must stop and may move no further on that turn.
Turn Unit Moves onto Forest:
• An infantry unit may battle at -1 die, the turn it moves onto a forest hex.
• A cavalry or artillery unit may not battle the turn it moves onto a forest hex.
Forest Protection:
• Unit on forest hex ignores 1 symbol hit from ranged combat.
• Light Infantry type units may ignore 1 flag when on forest hex.
Targeting Enemy on Forest:
• An infantry unit does not reduce the number of battle dice rolled once on a forest hex
• A cavalry unit reduces the number of battle dice rolled in melee by 2.
• An artillery unit does not reduce the number of battle dice rolled.
Battling from Forest:
• An infantry unit does not reduce the number of battle dice rolled.
• A cavalry unit reduces the number of battle dice rolled in melee by 2.
Cavalry melee from a forest hex to adjacent forest hex, only apply the battling out dice reduction.
• An artillery unit reduces the number of battle dice it will roll by 1.
Line of Sight: A forest hex blocks line of sight.
Movement: No movement restrictions.
Turn Unit Moves onto Hill: No battle modifiers.
Hill Protection:
• Unit on hill hex ignores 1 flag when being attacked from a lower level, except from artillery combat.
• Unit on hill hex ignores 1 flag when being attacked from a hill hex in a different group of hill hexes, except from artillery combat.
Targeting Enemy on Hill: No unit battle reductions.
Battling from Hill: No unit battle reductions.
• An artillery unit on a hill hex may fire over a friendly unit or leader that is on an adjacent lower hex as long as that hex has no other terrain feature that would block the artillery unit’s line of sight.
Line of Sight: A hill hex blocks line of sight to units behind a Hill hex.
• A unit on a lower level has line of sight onto the first Hill hex and vice versa.
• A unit on a lower level does not have line of sight through one hill hex onto a second hill hex with a unit and vice versa (i.e. a unit at a lower level is not able to see, or be seen, if at least one other hill hex is in between the two units).
• Line of sight is not blocked between units on the same hill looking across connected hill hexes. The units are considered to be on a plateau.
Movement: A unit or lone leader that enters a building hex must stop and may move no further on that turn.
Turn Unit Moves onto Building:
• An infantry unit may battle at -1 die, the turn it moves onto a building hex.
• A cavalry or artillery unit may not battle the turn it moves onto a building hex.
Building Protection:
• Unit on building hex ignores 1 symbol hit from ranged and melee combat.
Targeting Enemy on Building:
• An infantry unit does not reduce the number of battle dice rolled.
• A cavalry unit reduces the number of battle dice rolled in melee by 2.
• An artillery unit does not reduce the number of battle dice rolled.
Battling from a building hex:
• An infantry unit does not reduce the number of battle dice rolled once on a building hex.
• A cavalry unit reduces the number of battle dice rolled in melee by 2.
Cavalry melee from a building hex to adjacent building hex, only apply the battling out dice reduction.
• An artillery unit reduces the number of battle dice it will roll by 1.
Line of Sight: A building hex blocks line of sight.
There are two types of waterway hexes, river or fordable stream. A river is treated as impassable terrain and can only be crossed when a unit moves across via a river ford or a bridge. A fordable stream can be moved onto and crossed without a bridge. The scenario’s battle notes will indicate when waterway hexes are impassable or fordable.
Movement: River hexes are treated as impassable terrain and may only be crossed at a river ford or on a bridge.
Battle: Combat not possible.
Line of Sight: A river does not block line of sight.
Movement: A unit or lone leader that enters a fordable stream hex must stop and may move no further on that turn.
Turn Unit Moves onto Fordable Stream: No battle modifiers.
Fordable Stream Protection: No battle modifiers.
Targeting Enemy on Fordable Stream:
• An infantry, cavalry or artillery unit does not reduce the number of battle dice rolled.
Battling from a Fordable Stream:
• An infantry or cavalry unit does not reduce the number of battle dice rolled.
• An artillery unit reduces the number of battle dice it will roll by 1.
Line of Sight: A fordable stream hex does not block line of sight.
Movement: A bridge will cancel a river or fordable stream movement restrictions.
Battle: A bridge will cancel all river or fordable stream battle modifiers.
Turn Unit Moves onto Bridge: No battle modifiers.
Bridge Protection:
• An Infantry unit on bridge hex may ignore 1 flag.
Targeting Enemy on Bridge: No unit battle reductions.
Battling from a Bridge:
• An artillery unit reduces the number of battle dice it will roll by 1.
Line of Sight: A bridge does not block line of sight.
WETLAND - Marsh & Swamp
Movement: Roll one die when unit or lone leader enters (ordered move and retreat move) onto a wetland hex. Unit symbol rolled will result in loss of one block. Lone leader is lost when a saber is rolled. If leader is attached to unit that loses a block, this loss does not require a leader casualty check.
When a loss is taken, the unit must stop in the hex and move or retreat no further.
If no loss is taken, the unit or lone leader may continue its movement.
• Artillery may not move onto a wetland hex, a wetland hex is treated as impassable terrain for artillery.
Turn Unit Moves onto Wetland: No battle modifiers.
Wetland Protection: No battle modifiers.
Targeting Enemy on Wetland:
• An infantry or cavalry unit does not reduce the number of battle dice rolled.
• An artillery unit may not target a unit on a wetland hex.
Battling from a Wetland:
• An infantry or cavalry unit does not reduce the number of battle dice rolled.
Line of Sight: A wetland hex does not block line of sight.
Field constructions on the American Revolution battlefields represent a variety of construction types. There are well prepared defensive positions, such as wooden stockades, earthen forts and redoubts, or hastily constructed field works, such as fallen trees, a pile of rocks or a mound of dirt. Scenarios in the core game only depict hastily constructed field works.
A field works provides protection or battle reductions only along hex sides with a field works.
Movement: A unit or lone leader that moves across a hex side with field construction must stop and may move no further on that turn.
Turn Unit Moves onto Field Construction: No battle modifiers.
Field Works Protection:
• An infantry and artillery unit on a field works hex ignores 1 symbol hit from ranged combat, except from artillery combat.
• An infantry and artillery unit ignores 1 flag, except from artillery ranged combat.
Note - Field works on a hill will still only allow an infantry and artillery unit to ignore 1 flag.
Targeting Enemy on Field Works:
• An infantry unit does not reduce the number of battle dice rolled.
• A cavalry unit reduces the number of battle dice rolled by 2.
• An artillery unit does not reduce the number of battle dice rolled.
Battling from Field Works:
• An infantry unit does not reduce the number of battle dice rolled.
• A cavalry unit reduces the number of battle dice rolled by 2.
• An artillery unit does not reduce the number of battle dice rolled.
Line of Sight: A field works hex does not block line of sight.
FENCE - Wood & Stone
Movement: No movement restrictions.
Turn Unit Moves onto Fence: No battle modifiers.
Fence Examples:
When a unit is attacked in ranged combat and the line of fire goes through a fence with the target unit directly adjacent, a fence will act as one support, except from artillery fire. Directly adjacent means a unit is in the hex with the fence: see Example 1.
Or the unit can be in a hex adjacent to a fence hex side: see Example 2.
• A unit directly adjacent to a stone wall will also ignore 1 symbol hit from ranged combat, when the ranged attack is made through the hex side with the stone wall, except from artillery ranged combat.
Targeting Enemy on Fence: No battle reductions.
Battling From Fence: No battle reductions.
Line of Sight: A fence hex does not block line of sight.
Movement: Unit or lone leader that starts on a road hex, moves along on road hexes and ends its movement on a road hex will increase a unit’s ordered movement up to 2 hexes.
Battle: A unit that uses road movement may not battle this turn.
Road Protection: No battle modifiers.
Targeting Enemy on Road: No battle reductions.
Battling from Road: No battle reductions.
Line of Sight: A road hex does not block line of sight.
Movement: A unit or lone leader that enters a camp hex must stop and may move no further on that turn.
Turn Unit Moves onto Camp: No battle modifiers.
Camp Protection: No battle modifiers.
Targeting Enemy on Camp:
• An infantry, cavalry or artillery unit does not reduce the number of battle dice rolled.
Battling from a Camp:
• An infantry, cavalry or artillery unit does not reduce the number of battle dice rolled.
Line of Sight: A camp hex does not block line of sight.