Players alternate taking turns, until one player reaches the number of Victory Banners indicated by the scenario’s victory conditions.
In addition to capturing Victory Banners through the elimination of enemy units and leaders, in some scenarios capturing certain terrain hexes or accomplishing other battle specific objectives can gain additional Victory Banners. Such victory conditions will be spelled out in the scenario’s battle notes.
A game ends the moment a player reaches the required number of Victory Banners, regardless of when this occurs during a game turn. This means that a game might even end on a successful battle back with victory for the active player’s opponent.


Temporary Victory Banner Objective

The Victory Banner for this objective hex is immediately gained and is retained as long as a unit of the appropriate side occupies the objective hex. If the unit vacates the hex for any reason (movement, retreat or elimination), the Victory Banner is immediately lost.

Start Turn Temporary Victory Banner Objective

The Victory Banner for this objective hex is held and captured only as long as a unit of the appropriate side occupies the objective hex at the start of its turn. If the unit vacates the hex for any reason (movement, retreat or elimination), the Victory Banner is immediately lost.
A Temporary Victory Banner Objective and a Start Turn Temporary Victory Banner Objective can also apply for a group of hexes, such as a group of buildings, forest or hills. When the side occupies any hex in the group, the Victory Banner for this group is gained. If none of the hexes in the group are occupied for any reason (movement, retreat or elimination), the medal is immediately lost.

Turn Start Temporary Majority Victory Banner Objective

The Victory Banner for this group of objective hexes goes to the side that has units in an absolute majority of these hexes at the start of its turn. The absolute majority means, occupy more of the hexes in the group than the opponent. If your side occupies 1 hex and your opponent does not occupy any of the hexes in the group, your side occupies the absolute majority. If the majority is lost for any reason (movement, retreat or elimination), the Victory Banner is immediately lost.
Note - A temporary victory banner objective hex is still considered to be occupied when an ordered unit moves out of the hex and another friendly unit is ordered to occupy the hex during the movement phase.

Permanent Victory Banner Objective

The Victory Banner in this objective hex is captured and permanently gained the moment a unit of the appropriate side occupies this hex. The Victory Banner is not lost, even if the unit later vacates this hex.

Turn Start Permanent Victory Banner Objective

The Victory Banner in this objective hex is captured and permanently gained when the appropriate side occupies the hex at the start of its turn.
The Victory Banner is not lost, even if the unit later vacates this hex.

Last to Occupy Victory Banner Objective

The Victory Banner for this objective hex, once occupied, will continue to count unless an opposition unit occupies the hex. Place a Victory Banner counter in the hex with appropriate face up to indicate the side that was last to occupy.

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