- 1 Rule and Scenario Booklet
- 1 Battlefield Game Board
- 4 Terrain and Accessories punchboards containing:
- 60 Double-sided Terrain Tiles
- 18 Double-sided Victory Banner counters
- 6 Double-sided Clan Chief / Chief Offcer Markers
- 52 Command cards
- 58 Combat cards (29 Government, 29 Jacobite)
- 8 Engraved Battle Dice
- 6 Block Label sheets
- 2 Double-sided Unit & Terrain Effects Summary Cards
- 283 Blocks: blue Jacobite units, red Government units comprising:
- 176 small, blue and red blocks for infantry units
- 68 medium, blue and red blocks for cavalry units
- 39 rectangular, blue and red blocks for leaders and artillery
Infantry blocks are 18x18x8mm in size.
Cavalry blocks are 22x22x8mm in size.
Artillery blocks are 22x28x8mm in size and are placed so the
28mm edge runs horizontally.
Leader blocks are 22x28x8mm in size and are placed so the 28mm edge runs vertically.
A few extra blocks and labels for each unit type are supplied as spares.
Battlefield Game Board
The battlefield game board (hereafter referred to as the battlefield) has a hex grid, 13 hexes wide by 11 hexes deep. The battlefield is divided into three sections by two dotted lines, giving each player a Left Flank Section, a Center Section and a Right Flank Section. Where the dotted line cuts through a hex, the hex is considered to be part of both the flank section and the center section.
Note - Left Flank Section, Center Section and Right Flank Section will often simply be denoted as section or sections in these rules.
Terrain Tiles
The Terrain Tiles represent a range of terrain features and are placed on the battlefield to recreate the historical scenario setting. For a description of all terrain: see “Terrain” rules section.
Command Cards
Command cards are used to order troops on a player’s side to move, battle, or do something special. Units and leaders may only move and battle when given an order.
Combat cards
In the Tricorne - Jacobite Rising game, there is a deck of Combat cards for each side, Jacobite and Government.
These cards represent a mix of unit training, abilities or unexplainable actions that take place during the course of a battle.
Note - Government Combat cards may be played on all Government units, leaders and their historical Allies. The Jacobite Combat cards may be played on all Jacobite units, leaders and their historical Allies.
Battle Dice
Each battle die has six engraved sides. Each side will have the following engravings on its faces.
- one side has an Infantry symbol - black symbol on blue background
- one side has a Cavalry symbol - black symbol on yellow background
- one side has an Artillery symbol - black symbol on red background
- two sides have a Flag symbol - white symbol on black background
- one side has a Saber symbol - white symbol on black background
Summary Cards
The double-sided Unit Reference Chart has a recap of all Jacobite and Government units and on the other side is a summary of terrain effects.
Victory Banner Counters
The 24 Double-sided Victory Banner counters will track a player’s quest for victory. When the last block of an enemy unit or leader block is eliminated, gain one Victory Banner. Also, gain a Victory Banner when completing a scenario specific objective.
Clan Chief & Chief Officer Markers
In the Tricorne - Jacobite Rising, each army may field in some scenarios special units that have a Clan Chief marker for the Jacobite army or a Chief Officer marker for the Government army. These units are special in that a unit with a Clan Chief or Chief Officer marker represents a unit that historically performed exceptionally well in battle. Perhaps this is due to training, battle experience or having an inspiring person in charge. Whatever the reason, when a Clan Chief or a Chief Officer marker is marking a unit in a battle scenario, the unit’s abilities are enhanced: see “Clan Chief & Chief Officer Markers” rules section.