The combined French and British preliminary bombardment in the Montauban sector, unlike other sectors along the Somme front, had been highly effective.The 30th Division with the French XX Corps on their right, around 7:30am, advanced toward the German front trench line, through gaping holes in the enemy wire created by the artillery shelling. Once the first trench line was secured, the British troops again moved forward quickly under the cover of the relentless barrage from friendly artillery. About an hour later, they were preparing to attack the village.
On the left of the 30th Division, the 18th Division had tunneled to within yards of the German front line, when a series of mines blew, creating a large crater at Casino Point. The British mortars, that had been brought forward, then opened up and the first German trench was taken rather quickly. However, as the British infantry began to move forward toward the second line of enemy trenches and the Pommiers Redoubt, the fighting was fierce. The Germans had taken up a strong defensive position and it was late in the day that the Germans were forced to retire.
The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. The rest is history.
6 3 10 5 0
Side by Side Play
Each turn, the active player plays 2 Command cards, one for the left board (leftmost 3 sections) and one for the right board (rightmost 3 sections)
A reserve artillery may be played by either or both command cards as per normal rules, but must be placed on respective board
Units may move between boards.
Command card activate only units on their board.
Players may play 1 Combat Card per board
At turn end, player draws 2 Command Cards, and either 2 Combat cards, 4 HQ, or 1 Combat Card and 2 HQ.
Victory - 14
- 1 Medal for each unit eliminated.
- The British forces gain 1 Temporary Victory Medal at the start of their turn, when one or more units occupy any German trench hex in the front line, and for the second line, provided the first trench is also occupied. Place a Victory Medal, with the British side faceup, on the trench hex to indicate it is controlled.
- The British forces gain 1 Permanent Victory Medal for each unit that succeeds in breaking through and exits the battlefield from the German baseline.
- The British forces gain 1 Temporary Victory Medal at the start of their turn, for each town hex of Montauban and the Brickworks occupied. Place a Victory Medal, with the British side faceup, on the building hex to indicate it is controlled.
- The British forces are racing against time. The German player may take a Victory Medal, instead of taking two command cards, when playing a “Recon” command card.
Special Rules
- British player does the No-Man’s-Land shelling roll.