Victory Results:
 43 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  57 %
Total plays 7 - Last reported by mirkobruner on 2020-09-16 18:03:04

Historical background

South of Bois des Caures lay the village of Beaumont. The 208th Regiment occupied the village and had almost completed an intermediate trench line that ran directly through the village, just before the German attacked. Storming forward toward the buildings over the open ground, Germans casualties were starting to mount. As darkness fell, both sides were embroiled in house-to-house fighting.

The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. The rest is history.



Command Cards 5    Combat Cards 3    HQ Tokens 10    Reserve Artillery 4    Special Personnel 0


Command Cards 5    Combat Cards 3    HQ Tokens 4    Reserve Artillery 3    Special Personnel 1

Victory Medals: 6

  • 1 Medal for each unit eliminated.
  • The German forces gain 1 Temporary Victory Medal at the start of their turn, when one or more units occupy any French trench hex. Place a Victory Medal with the German side face up, on the trench to indicate it is controlled.
  • The five building hexes form a Start Turn Temporary Majority Medal Objective worth 1 Medal for the side that occupies the most buildings. The French start with 1 Victory Medal.
  • The German forces are racing against time. The French player, when playing a “Recon” command card, may take a Victory Medal and draw only one command card, instead of drawing two command cards.

Special Rules

  • German player does the No-Man’s-Land shelling roll.


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