Commands & Colors Napoleonics - Scenario Editor

Thank you for downloading the Scenario Editor for CCNapoleonics, a game by Richard Borg and GMT Games LLC.

There are two main parts:

  1. Word Template for editing your scenario
  2. Vassal Module for building your Map

In these two documents, please note that Graphics are used with permission of GMT Games LLC.

Note these are not "Software", but tools for making more easily some new scenarios in the standard format used by GMT.

You can of course use a graphic editor (as Photofiltre, freeware) to do that, but it will be more complex and time consuming.

Just save the CCN_Map_Editor.vmod inside Vassal folder, then launch Vassal and open the CCN Map Editor as a new game...

For building and designing your Map you must use the Vassal Engine as an interface, using CCN_Map_Editor.vmod :

The first time you will launch the Module, you will must enter your Playername with a password, just like for a new game.

Now in the CCN_Scenario_Editor.doc document, replace the default map by your map and finish to edit the document.

Enjoy and have fun creating new scenarios for C&C Napoleonics !

pascal dumat , jan 2011 , ( contact : p.dumat(a) )

These tools are freeware : you can use and share them freely but without modification or making any commercial profit.

Credits : Many Thanks to Richard Borg and GMT Games team for this Commands & Colors Napoleonics game and for their permission to share this editor, to the Vassal Engine team for their great freeware software. And also to Bill Benett , Joel Toppen  and Michael Dippel for their "C&C" system modules : it helped me a lot to design and understand the working of a Vassal module. Special thanks to Chris Roper for betatesting and Alessandro Crespi who gave a great help, very much appreciated, with the improvement of both the World Template CCN Scenario Editor and the Vassal Module CCN Map Editor.



How to use the Module Scenario Map-Editor

This is quite easy and simple, as all the main buttons are in the Toolbar :

First, you can increase the Map window at maximum with your mouse and then left click on the Text button to open the Annotation window.
a left click on the buttons : Terrain Map Tiles and Units & Leaders will open 2 windows containing the different elements to move and drag.

There is sub-menus in each window : Ground and Water for Terrain, and the 3 Nations (French, British, Portuguese) for the Units & Leaders
To place One Element , just left click on it to move it (maintaining your click hold down) where you want on the map : release to place it .
So, your just placed element will be selected until you left click elsewhere on the map : you can always re-selects it later with a left click on it.
When an element is selected, you can open a menu with a right click on it : this will allow some various actions (for example Rename Leaders).
Note that for the pieces Units, a right click will allow you to decrease the blocks number if the unit starts the game at a lower level than normal.
Note also that for the Terrain tiles and the Units placing, the centering is automatic in the hexagon (thank you very much, Alessandro, for that !
For all the other pieces : Annotations, Leaders, Nation Labels, Banners and SquareMarkers , you can freely adjust your placement as you wish.
You can place annotations in exactly the same manner with a left click on <Annotation> : a right click allow you to change or rotate the text.
The Undo button in the upper left corner allow to delete your last actions and you can save and reload your work as a game, in the File menu.
Note: when you clone one element or one piece, it is stacking just over the one selected: you must drag and move it to place it where you want.

This button allow to place various Markers on the Map Labelled Nations,Victory Banners and Squares Markers :

You can Edit the Labelled Nations , if needed, but for re-selecting them, you must maintain the <shift> key down during your left click.
The Victory Banners Markers are used for marking some Terrain objectives and the Squares Markers if some units must begin the game in square.

This button is just here for allowing you to place some eventual notes on your work during building and designing a Map.

This button allow you to "print" your Map as an image PNG : so, you can directly insert it in a word or pdf document.

This is the Zoom button (in the upper Right corner of the screen) with three different levels of zoom : 60% , 80% and 100%.
The default Zoom is 80% : you can increase or decrease it and can also adjust the Map widely depending of your screen resolution.
Before printing your map, it could be better to adjust the zoom level at minimum (60%) : this will print the map at the good screen format (718 x
456) for direct insertion of the image in a word or pdf document and without too much weight.

Notes : you can show this file in the Vassal module by clicking on CCN Map Editor Help in the Help Menu.

Graphics used with permission of GMT Games LLC.

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Bayernkini replied the topic:
6 years 2 months ago
This "editor" is still available in the download section

but i would use the CCN Vassal (game) module as scenario editor direct.
- ALL official expansions (units, terrain, e.g.) are available and a lot of unofficial stuff also
- And if you setup it correct, you can use the savefile direct for online playing
RiverWanderer replied the topic:
6 years 2 months ago
None of the three links on this page link to the expected item.