Victory Results:
 71 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  29 %
Total plays 7 - Last reported by bartok on 2023-07-08 17:31:32

The Battle of Sentinum was the decisive battle of the Third Samnite War, fought in 295 BC near Sentinum, in which the Romans were able to overcome a formidable coalition of Samnites and Senone Gauls. The Romans won a decisive victory which broke up the tribal coalition (the Etruscans, Umbrians and Senones pulled out of the war) and paved the way for the Romans' complete victory over the Samnites.

The Romans were commanded by consuls Decius Mus and Fabius Maximus Rullianus, and amounted to about 38,000 men — 4 legions, a strong contingent of Roman cavalry, 1,000 chosen cavalry men from Campania, 4 allied and Latin legions and a strong contingent of allied and Latin cavalry. Their opponents were Samnites and Gauls, since the Etruscans and the Umbrians had returned to their territories to defend them from another small Roman army.

The two armies, of the same strength, arrived at the Plain of Sentinum but waited for two days to battle each other. Finally, unable to control the eagerness of their troops, the Romans attacked. Fabius faced the Samnites; Decius was opposite the Gauls. The Roman line initially buckled under the Gauls' chariots. Decius charged into the Gauls anyway. Although he was slain, Decius' charge inspired his men and they restored the Roman line. Fabius routed the Samnites and then flanked the Gauls to win the battle.

The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. The rest is history.

War Council
Samnite - Gaul Army

Leader: Egnatius
Take 8 cards

Roman Army
Leaders: Decius Mus, Fabius Maximus Rullianus
Take 9 cards
Move First

16 banners

Special Rules
Each Camp occupied by a Roman unit is removed and the Romans take 1 Victory banner

Units required
AUX x6; WAR x 4; LI x2; MC x2; LC x1; BCH x 4; LDR x1
Samnites (Carthage)
LI x5; AUX x3; MI x4; W x1; HI x3; LC x2, MC x1; LDR x 2
LI x 6; AUX x8; MI x12; HI x 6; LC x3, MC x5; HC x1; LDR x5

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Pevans replied the topic:
1 year 2 months ago
The weekend before last I joined Mark B and friends to play this scenario on Vassal (plus Discord for banter). We had six players, so the commanders also controlled the central section. Nick volunteered to be a commander and drew the Romans, Mark taking command of the barbarians. Darryl was field general of the Roman left (i.e. Decius Mus) with Leslie taking the right. I had the barbarian left (Samnites) with 'Van der Bangla' on the right (Gauls).

The Samnites started the battle by advancing their Light foot to harass the front row of the Romans. Nick played a "Line Command" card that was pretty awesome in an EPIC context: almost the entire Roman army advanced and started forcing our Light troops back.

On the extreme left of the battlefield, Gaulish Auxilia moved forward. They were on the receiving end of a "Mounted Charge". This saw the first casualties of the battle: the Gauls lost an Auxilia, the Romans a Medium Cavalry. While the bulk of the Romans advanced again (another "Line Command"!). And the score's 1:1 after 9 turns.

The Gauls threw more troops into the fight on the left as a "Line Command" on our side brought the armies closer together in the centre. Missile fire removed a Roman Light foot that thought it could shelter in the woods. Barbarians 2:1 Romans.

More Roman cavalry came into the fight on the left and removed a Gaulish chariot and Warriors to give the Romans the lead (2:3). A "Double Time" in the Roman centre added to this as Medium and Heavy foot punched through the barbarian line, eliminating a Gaulish Auxilia (2:4). The Roman right bounced off the Samnites, but somehow still managed to kill a leader (2:5).

The Samnites smacked into the advancing Romans, eliminating three foot units and the Leader with them in revenge. On the left, a Gaulish Chariot took out the Roman Heavy cavalry, Decius Mus just escaping to join some Auxilia well to the rear. And the score swings the other way - Barbarians 7:5 Romans.

The Romans continued their advance left of centre, killing a Gaulish Auxilia, while the continuing fight on the left claimed a Gaulish chariot and a Leader. (7:8)

The Gauls finished off a Roman cavalry unit on the left while the Samnites pushed forward to remove a Roman Auxilia and reduce the Roman right to just the cavalry. (9:8)

Regrouping on both sides saw the Samnites hitting the Roman centre from in front and the right, removing a Medium foot and almost getting Fabius Maximus into the bargain. While the Romans finished off some Gaulish warriors on the left. (10:9)

With the Samnites and Romans in close combat across the centre, Mark played "Clash of Shields" plus a "Mounted Charge" for the Gauls on the left of the battlefield. The result was the demise of a Roman Heavy and three Medium foot units for the loss of a Gaulish Light foot (in a battle back as they got involved in the fight in the centre). The score went to 14:10, the barbarians seeming to have the upper hand.

The Romans came back with attacks across the battlefield. They took out the last Gaul in the centre section while the right-flank cavalry finally got into the fight and the Samnites lost their first troops (Auxilia and Medium). The score went to 14:13.

But the final move came from the barbarians, the Gauls eliminating Auxilia on the left and the Samnites a Medium foot in the centre to finish off Roman hopes - though a Samnite Heavy foot also fell in these last exchanges.

And that was 16:14 to the barbarians in a hard-fought, bloody battle that lasted just 20 turns and less than three hours (including intro).

I was intrigued that the Gauls made up the bulk of the barbarian casualties: 9 units and a leader to the Samnites 3 units and a leader. Clearly the bulk of the fighting was on the left and I suspect this is at least partly because the Gauls are a mixture of Auxilia, Chariots and Warriors.

I do enjoy the EPIC games, not least because of the interaction between the players, and this was no exception.
RiverWanderer replied the topic:
1 year 5 months ago
Ah! The Epic Inspired FG rule, thanks!
Mark-McG replied the topic:
1 year 5 months ago
the Mus rule essentially considers a Left Flank card as doubled, as if 2 identical cards were played. 
the particular rule is below;

Inspired Field General PlayNormally the Overall Commander may only give a single Command card to a Field General. However, when the Overall Commander has in his hand two Section Command cards that are exactly the same, both cards may be given to the Field Commander in the specified section. This is called Inspired Field General play. An Inspired Field General play will count as two Field Command cards issued, leaving only one additional Field Command card available to issue. If two Field Command cards have already been issued, an Inspired Field General play is not possible.The following Section cards qualify for an Inspired Field General Command card play:
• Order One Unit Left/Center/Right: the Inspired Field General may order up to two units in his section.
• Order Two Units Left/Center/Right: the Inspired Field General may order up to four units in his section.
• Order Three Units Left/Center/Right: the Inspired Field General may order up to six units in his section.
• Order Four Units Left/Center/Right: the Inspired Field General may order up to eight units in his section.

Page link:
RiverWanderer replied the topic:
1 year 5 months ago

Considering the Gallic/Samnite win ratio, I'm proposing a Mus rule;

If the Romans have less banners than the Allies in the banner score, the Roman CinC may choose to implement the Mus rule.
Place a Special Star marker on Decius Mus Leader.
Decius Mus always takes Leader loss checks with 1 die, and a Helmet eliminates him. When Decius Mus is eliminated in combat, all Roman Left section cards are henceforth considered Inspired Field General when played.

The following Section cards qualify for an Inspired Field General Command card play:
• Order One Unit Left: the Inspired Field General may order up to two units in this section. When drawing Command cards, draw three, keep two up to Command and discard the other(s).
• Order Two Units Left: the Inspired Field General may order up to four units in this section.
• Order Three Units Left: the Inspired Field General may order up to six units in this section.
• Order Four Units Left: the Inspired Field General may order up to eight units in this section.

Happy to try this. Do the left section cards order a leader plus the connected number of units, is that what you mean? (like a normal Inspired Leadership card but with 4,6 or 8 units).
Mark-McG replied the topic:
1 year 5 months ago
Considering the Gallic/Samnite win ratio, I'm proposing a Mus rule;

If the Romans have less banners than the Allies in the banner score, the Roman CinC may choose to implement the Mus rule.
Place a Special Star marker on Decius Mus Leader.
Decius Mus always takes Leader loss checks with 1 die, and a Helmet eliminates him. When Decius Mus is eliminated in combat, all Roman Left section cards are henceforth considered Inspired Field General when played.

The following Section cards qualify for an Inspired Field General Command card play:
• Order One Unit Left: the Inspired Field General may order up to two units in this section. When drawing Command cards, draw three, keep two up to Command and discard the other(s).
• Order Two Units Left: the Inspired Field General may order up to four units in this section.
• Order Three Units Left: the Inspired Field General may order up to six units in this section.
• Order Four Units Left: the Inspired Field General may order up to eight units in this section.
RiverWanderer replied the topic:
1 year 5 months ago
Played two enjoyable rounds of this so far.

First was a fairly comprehensive Gaul/Samnite victory - the chariots exchanging for much of the Roman left flank strength, and the main force ultimately holding firm against a Roman steamroller of line commands, culminating in a big melee in the centre.

Second was a lot closer - multiple Order Light Troops helping the Romans in early defence of their left. This time it was the Romans that waited to receive the enemy, with close combat more dispersed across the board. The Romans came off worse in too many close combats, going down 13:16.
MarcG replied the topic:
1 year 6 months ago
16-15 to the Samnites in a very entertaining battle. The Gauls initially rushed forwards and created mayhem for a few turns before the Romans stabilised the line , meanwhile the Samnite left flank rushed forward only to see their leader cut down at the head of the this moment the Roman centre Lurched into top gear and engaged all down the line only to be met by a volley from Darken the Sky and backed up by a Clash of Shields as the line engaged. A blood bath ensued with the battle in the balance turn after turn with the centre looking like it was going to be decisive one way or the other. At no point was either side ever more than 2 banners in front.
Decius Mus made a last charge on the left hoping to carry the battle but the Dice Gods were not with him (or at the least were on a toilet break) and 3 1 in 3s or a double retreat for the game netted but a single retreat......but at least he kept his head. Which sadly could not be said for the legionairres cut down from behind by a warrior band to give the Samnites the tightest of victories.
The reverse match to be played shortly!