Victory Results:
 56 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  44 %
Total plays 16 - Last reported by SimSportPlyr on 2022-06-06 04:54:42

Historical Background
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?

War Council

Leader: Fritigern
6 Command Cards

Roman Army
Leader: Valens
5 Command Cards
Move First

7 Banners

Special Rules
Imperial Legions rule is in effect for Romans.

Wagon Laager rule is in effect for the Barbarians.

A Roman unit that occupies an enemy camp hex at the start of the Roman player's turn, may remove the camp hex and gain 1 Victory Banners that cannot be lost.  Remove the camp hex before playing a Command card.

Roman First Orders: at least one order must be given to Bacurius’ troops in the Left section before moving any other troops.

The Goth player can enter his cavalry groups by playing an "inspired leader" card (no matter which). He places all units of both Goth cavalry groups on the board edge hexes (clear hexes between the board edge and the hill), in appropriate sections (Alathe group in righ section, Saphrax group in left section) which counts as one hex of the units move. Units are active and can move / battle.

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Mark-McG replied the topic:
4 years 4 months ago
I'd rate the Scenario special rules as some of the worst I have encountered.

- Roman First Orders: at least one order must be given to Bacurius’ troops in the Left section before moving any other troops.

what does this mean? Does it apply just to the first Command card, or every turn? Does it have to be the HCC unit, or can it be any left unit? Can Bacurius move to another troop and order that one? What if the Romans CANNOT order any units in the Left section?
This seems to me one of the weirdest, straightjacket rules I have encountered, with no real explanation of how it works.
It also seems totally unneeded, Bacurius is already in an advanced position.

- The Goth player can enter his cavalry groups by playing an "inspired leader" card (no matter which).

which of course assumes the Goth player draws one of the 3 Inspired Leadership Command cards out of the 60 cards. If they don't, as is probable, then no cavalry. Moreover, if the Roman player draws those cards, they know the odds of the cavalry coming are reduced. What if the Roman got all 3? Did the designer think this through at all, or are they just born lucky?
Mark-McG replied the topic:
4 years 4 months ago
"Roman First Orders: at least one order must be given to Bacurius’ troops in the Left section before moving any other troops."

presumably this means on the first Roman card play, the Roman HCC must be ordered.
Only the first turn
Only that unit (first), and then others as normal