Victory Results:
 17 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  83 %
Total plays 6 - Last reported by january31 on 2019-05-12 15:34:52

Messana II - 264 BC

Romans vs Carthaginians

Historical Background
“The next day Appius was greatly encouraged when he learned the outcome of the (1st) battle (against the Carthaginian ally Hiero who had withdrawn back to Syracuse) and decided to attack the Carthaginians without delay, He ordered his troops to stand to at an early hour and at first light led them out to battle. He engaged the enemy, killed large numbers of their troops, and forced them to retreat in disorder to the towns in the vicinity. These successes enabled him to raise the siege of Messana and then to move over to the offensive, ravaging the territory of the Syracusans and their allies and scouring the country without meeting any resistance.”
(From Polybius ‘The Rise of the Roman Empire’ Book I Chapter 12)

“It would only have been natural for Appius Claudius to turn his attention to the Carthaginians and here Zonaras may preserve the truth. He says that the Carthaginian position was on a kind of peninsula, with the sea on one side and marshes on the other, and that they had fortified the narrow neck of the peninsula. Appius Claudius tried to force his way through, but had to retreat, thereupon the Carthaginians foolishly sallied out, only to be driven back in turn with heavy losses…Zonaras adds that the Carthaginians subsequently did not venture to leave camp while Claudius was in Messana and perhaps we should assume that their forces were soon evacuated, possibly after they had learnt of Hiero’s withdrawal, and dispersed among various towns as Polybius says…”
(From The First Punic War by J.F. Lazenby page 51)

Roman Army
Leader: Appius
Command: 5 Cards
Move First

Carthaginian Army
Leader: Hanno son of Hannibal
Command: 2 Cards initially rising to 4 Cards (see special rules)

Initial Setup:

Roman Army: Free Setup—Setup Second after the Carthaginians Move First
Setup in Hexrows G and/or H: x2 Light Infantry, x1 Auxillia, x1 Medium Cavalry
Setup in Hexrows H and/or I: x1 Auxillia, x1 Medium Cavalry, x5 Medium Infantry,
x2 Heavy Infantry, x2 Leaders (Appius and Legate)

Carthaginian Army: Free Setup—Setup First & Move Second.
Hexrow “D” from D3 to D10 x1 Light Slingers, x1 Light Infantry, x1 Medium Infantry, x1 Auxillia, x1 Heavy Infantry
Hexrow ‘C” from C4 to C10: x1 Light Infantry, x1 Medium Infantry, x1 Warrior, x1 Auxillia, x1 Leader (Hanno son of Hannibal)
Hexrow “B” from B3 to B10: x1 Light Cavalry, x1 Auxillia

5 Banners (scored normally)
However the Romans get one Banner if they have a unit occupying a Carthaginian Camp hex—to a maximum of one Banner total scored in this way—if their unit is driven out of the camp hex or otherwise moves out they lose the banner—unless they have another unit occupying a different camp hex at the same time.

Special Rules
A Leader attached (stacked with) a friendly unit may cancel one sword hit on the unit in lieu of canceling a retreat hit. A unit involved in close combat with the support of a Leader may only count one helmet hit amongst those rolled to inflict a hit on an opposing unit, however if Appius is supporting the unit up to two helmet hits may be counted.
Special card Command Rules: The Carthaginian Player starts with a 2-card hand—he draws an extra card at the end of his 2nd & 4th Player-turns bringing his hand size to first 3 cards and then to 4 cards for the remainder of the scenario. A maximum of six foot units can be ordered by play of a single Line Command Card in the scenario.

Outflanking---This is an easy way of introducing facing and flanks to the game with little fuss—it can be retrofitted to other scenarios where appropriate:
A unit is said to be “Outflanked” if it is surrounded in all six adjacent hexes by either enemy units, or hexes adjacent to an enemy unit. The presence of friendly units or impassable terrain does not negate an “Outflanked” situation in any way. Units on the board edges (and not surrounded by six adjacent hexes) cannot be “Outflanked”.
Effects of being Outflanked: “Outflanked” units when battling back roll only half the normal number of dice they would be normally entitled to rounded up—to a maximum of only two dice—“Outflanked” units when battling back never hit on helmet rolls even if supported by a leader. A unit’s “Outflanked” situation is judged at the instant it battles back.

Special Terrain Rules:
Units in the Carthaginian Camp hexes gain no advantage or dis-advantage in combat. Camp hexes DO block line of sight for Missile fire however.

Special Troop Types:
Balearic Slingers: The Carthaginian Slinger unit hits on ‘swords’ when missile firing at enemy light troops, or when battling back only if attacked in close-combat.
African Horse: The Carthaginian Light Cavalry unit retreats only two hexes per Flag result taken or inflicted on it.

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