Victory Results:
 57 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  43 %
Total plays 21 - Last reported by RiverWanderer on 2024-08-17 18:24:46

Historical Background After driving Gnaeus Pompey from Italy, Julius Caesar moved against Pompey’s forces in Spain. Caesar had sent Gaius Fabius ahead to secure the passes over the Pyrenees and at the Sicoris River. Fabius succeeded, and his opponent, Pompey’s lieutenant Afranius, was forced to retire southward. Caesar followed Afranius and camped about a half mile from his enemy and the town of Ilerda. Between the enemy camp and town there was a hillock, which appeared to Caesar as the best strategic position in the area. However, Afranius saw what Caesar intended and managed to gain the hill first, leaving Caesar’s army in an awkward position. To relieve this situation, Caesar led his legions forward, but after some initial success they pressed their attack too far. The enemy effectively showered them with missiles from higher ground. Caesar’s veterans were in a difficult position. They were taking unnecessary losses where they stood, but would take as many losses withdrawing. Caesar ordered forward his cavalry, which relieved the pressure and gave his legions the opportunity to withdraw. The battle ended in a stalemate as both sides pulled back. A three-month campaign followed, in which Caesar masterfully outmaneuvered Afranius, forcing the Pompeian army of seven veteran legions in Spain to surrender without fighting another major battle.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?

War Council

Pompeian Army (Use grey blocks)
• Leader: Afranius
• 8 Command Cards
• Move First

Caesarian Army (Use red blocks)
• Leader: Caesar
• 10 Command Cards

14 Banners

Special Rules
• The city walls of Ilerda (rampart hexes) are scalable.
• The river is impassable.
Julian Legions rule is in effect for both armies.
• Julius Caesar Rule is in effect.
• When a unit occupies an enemy camp hex at the start of the player’s turn, remove the camp terrain tile hex. For each such removed camp, collect one Victory Banner.
• When more of Caesarian units than his opponent occupy the hillock (5 Hill hexes) in the center section , collect two Victory Banners for as long as Caesar holds the majority.
• FAQ: Control of the hillock change. When Caesarian forces are in control, his camp gains two Victory Banners. If Caesarian forces no longer controls the hilllock, the victory banners are lost.


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alecrespi replied the topic:
2 weeks 4 days ago
I couldn't resist, I just uploaded the video log of this epic match.

mk20336 replied the topic:
3 weeks 6 days ago
What a terrific report! Glad your group liked it!
RiverWanderer replied the topic:
3 weeks 6 days ago
I've got a run of epics organised on Vassal, working through Michel's Caesar's Civil War series in order. Caesar has won the first, but barely. Here's the penultimate Caesarian turn, opening at 10:9 to Pompey. Caesar has just launched an attack onto the hill. His left flank, under pressure all game, is barely holding, whilst Illerda is proving a tough nut to crack.

Caesar gained a banner and parity on the hill but victory was in Pompey's lap on the next turn, if only the crushing of Caesar's left could be completed. However, it was not to be; a couple of key attacks failed to yield the needed banners. Finally, Caesar was able to complete taking the hill and two further banners were gained from the first combats of the turn, giving Victory to Caesar at 14:11.

An exciting game from a great scenario. This is one of those that is particularly good for groups of six, as the right of the board offers perhaps "quieter" sections for the Commanders-in-Chief to look after.

Full log here for anyone interested:  

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Mark-McG replied the topic:
1 year 2 months ago
2 plays today with 4 players
Game 1: Pompeiians won 14-11, but was tied at 13-13 at the start of the final turn. All the action in the centre around the hill, skirmishing on the flanks.

Game 2: Caesarian win, 14-3. Concentrated on the flanks, deliberately holding off the hill. Only in he final turns was close combat on the hill contemplated.
mk20336 replied the topic:
1 year 10 months ago

Probably true of all scenarios with Julius Caesar rule - without an extra penalty for Caesar's demise, the special rule encourages him to rampage across the board just a little too much for my liking.
I managed to pretty decently nerf him with proper forces composition so he is not so super-powerful :)
RiverWanderer replied the topic:
1 year 10 months ago
Probably true of all scenarios with Julius Caesar rule - without an extra penalty for Caesar's demise, the special rule encourages him to rampage across the board just a little too much for my liking.