Victory Results:
 60 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  40 %
Total plays 72 - Last reported by Olupo on 2024-05-30 10:24:05

Historical Background
Seleucus of Syria crossed the Indus in 306 to recapture the Ganges Valley that had been overrun by the Mauryan king, Chandragupta. Using a cavalry feint, Seleucus had crossed the Indus and drew up in a strong defensive position. Deployed in two lines with his flanks resting on a series of hills and woods, he waited for his mounted force to return.
The Indian king was faced with a difficult problem, because his opponent could not be outflanked. His plan called for a quick frontal assault before the Seleucid cavalry returned. The Indian force, however, was made up of mostly light units and cavalry, and it did not fare well against the Seleucid phalanx in the center. On the Indian right, light infantry on both sides struggled for control of the high ground. The fight in the center turned when the Indian elephants hit the Seleucid phalanx along with fresh Indian cavalry. The phalanx broke, and at the same time, the Indian infantry, crossed the stream and drove off the Selucid elephants and cavalry. Seleucus, seeing this, abandoned the remnants of his shattered army and rode off.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. The rest is history.

Little is know about Seleucus' Indian campaign, for there is no factual historical record of these campaign battles, though one or more was likely fought on the Indus. We therefore present it only as a plausible encounter between the two Eastern powers. Enjoy! Richard Borg.

War Council

Seleucid Army
Leader: Seleucus
5 Command Cards      

Indus Mauryan Army
Leader: Chandragupta Maurya II
5 Command Cards      
Move First

6 Banners

Special Rules
The river is fordable

The 3 Auxilia unitsin Indus Army are "special". They are armed with bow and follow ranged combat rules as for regular Bow Infantry.



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Mark-McG replied the topic:
6 years 9 months ago
I understand the Special Auxilia to be treated as Auxilia for all purposes, except have a range of 3