Victory Results:
 50 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  50 %
Total plays 2 - Last reported by trailblazer on 2021-03-04 19:39:46

Sellasia 222 BC

Antigonus of Macedon vs Cleomenes of Sparta

Historical Background: The Prelude to Sellasia
“Early in the summer, when he had been reinforced by the Macedonians and Achaeans from their winter quarters, Antigonus advanced his army and the allied contingents into Laconia... Antigonus’ combined forces amounted to 28,000 infantry and 1,200 cavalry.
“Cleomenes, who had expected this invasion, had blocked the other passes which gave access to Laconia by posting garrisons, digging trenches and constructing barricades of trees. He himself took up position with an army of 20,000 men at a place named Sellasia, as he calculated that those was the approach the invaders were the most likely to choose, and this is in fact what happened. The pass is overlooked by two hills, one named Evas and the other Olympus, and the road to Sparta runs between them following the bank of the river Oenous. Cleomenes fortified both both these hills with a trench and palisade. On the hill of Elvas he posted the Perioeci and the allied troops under the command of his brother Eucleidas. On the level ground by the river on each side of the road he posted his cavalry and part of the mercenary force….No preparation had been omitted, either for attack or defense, so that the Spartan array constituted at the same time a battle line ready for action and a fortified camp which was hard to approach. “ (Polybius Book II)



War Council:

Spartan/Allied Army:
Leader: King Cleomenes of Sparta
5 Command Cards      

Macedonian/Allied Army:
Leader: King Antigonus of Macedon
5 Command Cards      
Move First

Victory: 7 Banners
The Macedonian/Allied side receives one (1) Banner upon entering the second Spartan Camp hex after its forces entered the first one.

Scenario Special Rules:

Man-made Terrain:
Macedonian-Allied units attacking into (but not battling back at) Spartan Fortified Camp hexes do so at minus one dice.
The Fortified Spartan Camp hex-tiles are immediately flipped over and become hill terrain hexes once entered by Macedonian-Allied units.
The Rampart hex-tiles utilized in the game are in reality Palisades with a ditch. If entered by Macedonian-Allied units the Rampart/Palisade tiles are immediately removed from the map and the hex becomes a clear terrain one. If Spartan-Allied Phalanx Infantry units conduct an ordered move (or Momentum Advance) from the Rampart/Palisade tile directly into a hex the Rampart/Palisade tile faces –remove the Rampart/Palisade from the map as well—its assumed to be torn down in the advance of the Spartan units. Otherwise treat Palisades exactly as Ramparts per the rules. Cavalry units (there are only such units total in the game may not attack or move through Palisade hexsides, but may Battle-Back through such hexsides.

Cavalry and Hill/Camp Hexes:
The two Cavalry units in the game may not enter or close-combat into hill or Camp hexes on the map. They may, however, battle-back into such hexes.

Phalanx Infantry:
All Medium and Heavy Infantry units in the game are assumed to be Phalanx Infantry—even the Spartans seem to have been drawn up in somewhat similar style to the Macedonian phalanxes.
Phalanx Infantry may not engage in Close Combat if they have just moved before combat their maximum of one hex, (or two hexes if doing double time), unless the move was into the two hexes toward their “front” (i.e.: “front” as in towards the initial setup position of the opposing army) of the moving Phalanx Infantry unit, and that moving Phalanx unit than proceeds to engage in close combat with an enemy unit in one of its “front” two hexes in the new hex it moved to. Phalanx Infantry may engage in normal Momentum Movement and Momentum Combat regardless of the direction of the combat. Note: Non-moving Ordered Phalanx units may always engage in Close Combat in any direction.
Example of Front: A Spartan Phalanx unit in hex D9 has “front’ hexes in E9 and E10.
A Macedonian Phalanx unit in E9 has ‘front’ hexes in D8 and D9.

Mercenary Peltasts:
Both sides had large numbers of mercenary Peltasts representing the ancient Greek version of the “Dogs of War”, and who occupied a class of troop unit somewhat between the between the light javelin men and the phalanx. Therefore add the following rule detailed below for all Auxillia in the scenario:
All Auxillia on both sides in the battle may evade enemy phalanx infantry (see above) if attacked by them in close combat. Follow the normal rules for evasion found in the rulebook. Spartan Auxillia, however, may not evade if they are occupying a palisade or Spartan camp hex tile when attacked.

This is an easy way of introducing facing and flanks to the game with little fuss—it can be retrofitted to other scenarios where appropriate:
A unit is said to be “Outflanked” if it is surrounded in all six adjacent hexes by either enemy units, or hexes adjacent to an enemy unit. The presence of friendly units does not negate an “Outflanked” situation in any way. Units on the board edges (and not surrounded by six adjacent hexes) cannot be “Outflanked”.
Effects of being Outflanked: “Outflanked” units when battling back roll only half the normal number of dice they would be normally entitled to rounded up—to a maximum of only two dice—“Outflanked” units when battling back never hit on helmet rolls even if supported by a leader. A unit’s “Outflanked” situation is judged at the instant it battles back.

Historical Background: The Last Act at Sellasia
“….At last Antigonus ordered his pikemen to mass in close order, and taking advantage of the peculiar formation of the double phalanx they launched a charge which finally dislodged the Lacedaemonians from their positions. The whole Spartan army was routed and the troops cut down as they fled, but Cleomenes, surrounding himself with a detachment of horsemen reached Sparta in safety. Then as night fell he went down to Gythium, where preparations had been made some time before for him to escape by sea if the need arose, and set sail with his friends for Alexandria.” (Polybius Book II)

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