Historical Background
After the inconclusive Battle of Pteria the Lydians withdrew to their capital Sardis for the winter. King Croesus released many troops from his army and called on his Egyptian, Babylonian and Spartan allies to gather in the following spring for a fresh attack on Persia. Cyrus didn't disband his army but carefully pursued Croesus and surprised him at Sardis. According to Xenophon and Herodotus, Cyrus, in order to counter the anticipated Lydian flanking attempts by their vaunted cavalry, formed his infantry into a square, with mobile archery towers in the center, and cavalry and chariots set back from the infantry on both wings. He also planned to counter the Lydian cavalry by placing mounted camels with both wings as his generals had observed the negative effect these had on the Lydian horses.
Cyrus' plan worked to perfection. His camels blunted the attack of the Lydian cavalry, and the Persian cavalry and chariots surged into the gaps that developed between the Lydian cavalry and infantry. Despite the heroic resistance of Croesus' Egyptian infantry his army was crushed, and the shattered remnants withdrew into Sardis, which fell 14 days later. Lydia was annexed into the Persian Empire, and the stage was set for future conflict with the emerging Greek civilization on the shores of the Aegean.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?
War Council
Lydian Army (Use Carthaginian blocks)
Leader: King Croesus
Take 5 Command Cards
Persian Army (Use Eastern blocks)
Leader: Cyrus II
Take 6 Command Cards
Move First .
7 Banners
Special Rules
On the first Persian turn that player has an automatic "Darken the Sky" order. No command card is played or drawn.
Use Greek blocks for the war machines and third chariot unit, and use medium cavalry to represent the Camels.
The Persian heavy war machines represent archery towers. Use the war machine rules for these units amended as follows: They have a range of four and may fire over friendly units, but may not fire upon an enemy unit adjacent to a friendly unit, unless it has a normal clear line of sight.
HERE you will find a complete list of all scenarios by Jim Duncan.