Victory Results:
 50 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  50 %
Total plays 16 - Last reported by NicolasLL on 2024-02-19 10:49:44

Historical Background
King Xerxes, eager to punish the Athenians for his father's defeat at Marathon and their support for Ionian revolts, planned a second invasion of Greece in 480 BC. He amassed a huge army, determined to extend the Persian Empire into Europe. Several Greek city-states gathered around Athens and Sparta, and decided to slow the Persian advance on a narrow pass. After a first unsuccessful expedition to Tempe, the next choke point was Thermopylae. The Oracle at Delphi had announced that Sparta would either be destroyed or lose a King, and Leonidas, one of the two Kings, chose the latter, leading 300 Spartans and other Greeks to one of History's most famous last stands. Xerxes waited four days for the small Greek force to leave. Then, for two days and a half he unleashed his army, wave after wave, against the Greek phalanx that stood firm... until Ephialtes betrayed the Greeks by revealing a goat path that led behind their lines. Dismissing the rest of the army, Leonidas fought with the Spartans and some Thespian and Theban volunteers to their death. Their epitaph reads: "Go tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that here obedient to their laws we lie". While a tactical victory, the heavy losses and the one week delay inflicted by just a few hundred Greeks was a significant blow to the Persian morale. In September the Greeks defeated the Persians at the naval battle of Salamis and Xerxes, fearful of being trapped in Europe, returned to Asia with part of his army. The following summer a Greek army led by the Spartans crushed the Persian forces in Europe at Plataea; on the same day, a Greek fleet landed at Mycale, in Asia Minor, routed the remainder of the Persian army and destroyed their fleet. The Persians were never to return to Greece.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. The rest is history.

War Council

Persian Army
Leader: Xerxes
5 Command Cards      
(including Darken the Sky)
Move First

Greek Army
Leader: Leonidas
5 Command Cards      
(including Rally)

8 Banners or Kill Xerxes

Special Rules
Immortals: they move like Auxilia and are armed with bows.

300 Spartans, 100 Nations: each Greek heavy infantry unit counts as two Banners if eliminated; any Persian unit/leader counts as 1 Banner, but may be immediately re-placed at full strength on an empty hex along the Persian baseline.

Mount Anopaea: all the hill hexes are impassable. However, the Persian player can use Leadership cards to transfer units on the upper broken ground hexes, accross the mountains, to any empty hex of the corresponding section along the Greek baseline. These units are ordered (may move and battle).

Go Tell: the Greek player may, at the beginning of every turn, remove from the board light units that are closer to their baseline than any Persian unit and not adjacent to the enemy. These units are out of the game but do not count as Banners. Leonidas and Xerxes can never evade off the board.


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NICKYTHECOMEBACK replied the topic:
5 months 1 week ago
j'ai donc rejoué le scénario avec qqes ajustements :
- 5 blocs aux unités lourdes de sparte
- 3 unités perses sur les rocailles au lieu de 4 et la possibilité pour elles de venir franchir les montagnes via les autres rocailles côté perses (ce qu'elles ont fait)

cela a donné une victoire sparte 8 à 7 avec un peu de chance côté sparte, car à plusieurs reprises il suffisait d'une touche en + mais qui n'est pas venue.
j'y ai trouvé un peu plus d'équilibre : de grosses batailles flanc gauche dans les rocailles quant les perses ont franchi les montagnes et un léonidas en forme qui a frôlé la mort à plusieurs reprises.

Maintenant c'est votre scénario de troie qui me tente !
NICKYTHECOMEBACK replied the topic:
5 months 1 week ago
merci beaucoup Miguel de cette carte, après avoir utilisé celle du jeu je l'ai joué pour voir la différence. Effectivement c'est bien difficile pour les grecs...
J'adore votre idée de faire revenir les perses sur la map cela montre bien le nombre de cette armée : les 100 nations
Pour équilibrer il serait bien je pense d'avoir des unités lourdes à 5 blocs (un peu comme dans le jeu de base) et de limiter la venue des unités par les montagnes sur les hex de cailloux; car en les faisant entrer où bon nous semble directement on coupe la retraite et les drapeaux deviennent terribles...
GF1954 replied the topic:
6 years 1 month ago
2 x solitaire The Persians winning 8 - 4, and 8 -5. In both games, the Greeks had to leave the ramparts because they were getting killed by range fire. In the first game, the Persians never got the leadership cards for a rear attack. It wasn't necessary. In the second, they did get one at the end and finished off the Greeks. I think that this scenario is very near impossible for the Greeks to win.