Match 1
Player 1 (Gallic) # banners won: 6
Player 2 (Roman) # banners won: 3
During the course of the game, Rome's fire was more effective, whereas Gallic had some very successful evades. Gallic engaged Roman left flank with mounted attack that weakened both sides and yielded a score 2-1 Rome. The two lines engaged in the center with blocks lost but no units destroyed.
Gallic moved a strong contingent with leader towards his left using Double Time, setting up an effective attack on Roman right flank.
Gallic pushed the attack on that flank with a second Line Command which put the score at 3-2 Gallic. A desperation Mounted Charge by Rome with a weakened MC ended up killing the MC: score 4-2 Gallic.
A desperation Double Time allowed Rome to take out a weakened MC on the Rome left (4-3 Gallic) and put his heavy with leader and a Medium up against the flanking Gallic force that had destroyed Rome's right. Unfortunately for Rome, the leadered H vs the leadered M did not go his way. the M battle back TOOK OUT 4 BLOCKS AND THE LEADER, winning the game 6-3 Gallic.
Rome had a chance to win before that epic battle back, but not today. Very dramatic finish.
Match 2
Player 2 (Gallic) # banners won: 6
Player 1 (Roman) # banners won: 3
Gallic started with a 3-unit mounted attack on Rome's left. The first battle of the game wiped out a Roman MC. Soon after, Rome lost an A, and an L was weakened. Score 2-0 Gallic, and Rome's left was exposed. Rome shored up his left with Line Command; Gallic retreated.
On the right, both sides traded totally ineffective ranged/cc/bb for a few turns. Then a Gallic lone W pinned a Roman MC and wiped him out. Rome then killed the W with a Double Time: score 3-1 Gallic. At this point, Gallic had a long continuous line, whereas Rome had two compacted groups of foot units.
Rome went after a 1-block MC on the left, who quickly retreated out of range, making the left irrelevant from then on.
Both sides traded a bit of fire. Rome advanced on the right, putting a pinned M in range of 3 Gallic lights, at which point Gallic played Darken the Sky and killed the M: score 4-1 Gallic. Rome advanced to CC on the right, led by his H with Metellus. He wiped out an A and weakened a W: score 4-2 Gallic. Gallic responded with Clash of Shields. Rome played an excellent First Strike when that weakened W went after Metellus/H and killed the W. But the H was killed on the next CoS attack and Metellus evaded to an M: score 5-3 Gallic.
Gallic ended the game by moving an A and W plus Britomaris (finally!) against Metellus/M and killing the M: final score 6-3 Gallic.
That first successful mounted attack put Gallic in a strong position the entire game.