I played this one as the Germans over VASSAL last night. I originally wanted to attack with my right flank, but lack of cards made me attack in the center. I got first blood, but then lost all three of my medium cavalry. They did weaken the center and it appeared my opponent, Peter, was suffering a shortage of center cards. My warriors then got into the action, causing major damage. Their ability to advance and battle again without a leader is very powerful.
Peter reinforced his center with his cavalry and some lights, and we battled away with our units dwindling. He ended up with one cavalry unit with one block stuck out forward. I needed one flag to win (as did he) but now I was out of center cards!
I threw my right flank at his, hoping my warriors could battle twice each. It almost worked, reducing a medium infantry to one block. In desperation Peter threw two medium cavalry against a full strength light infantry on the base line. It shrugged off the first attack, but two flags from the second attack meant that it had to retreat off the board, giving Peter a very narrow victory, 7-6.
Caesar and the 10th Legion did not move throughout the entire game. The mere threat though was enough to be very cautious on my left.
Good scenario, we will; have to play it again with sides reversed.