Wow - 7-6 Sertorious. Can't even begin to describe this battle, it was amazingly hectic in every sector from time to time, although mostly in the centre and Roman right. It swung back and forth so many times both of us lost count, and in the last four turns both sides had chances to win the game, and whiffed. Basically Pompey tried to form a line of medium foot and go straight up the middle with line command and double time, and after a lengthy clash of spears they destroyed the Sertorian heavy foot, but at great cost to themselves, with three medium units left from that attack, but all at 1 or 2 points. A very fortuitous Rally card saved the day for the Romans at that point, and allowed Pompey, supported by his left win to push again with an inspired leadership card. The Sertorians were pushed back almost to their board edge, with Roman Medium horse whiffing on a chance to take down a 1 point Auxiliary and win the match, and the Aux then did a hit and a double retreat to the horse. This allowed, finally a 1 point Sertorian warrior to corner a 1 point Roman archer on the edge of the Roman map who could not evade, to kill it and win the battle. Nail biting for the whole last half of the game, highly recommended.