I played this one twice today, as both sides. In both games the Macedonians won, although by different ways.
As the Macedonians, I pushed my phalanx up early, using a double time card to present a solid front. Simon, my opponent, pushed his elephants forward to meet them. The phalanx failed. every single heavy infantry block was wiped out in the engagement. I had to pull back my centre, and used my left flank light infantry to clean up what remained of his elephants. Things were not looking good for Alexander, so I threw in the cavalry. Using both Companion units, one with Alaxander and the other with a leader, I smashed into the Indian left flank, carving through his cavalry and light infantry. He counterattacked with his remaining elephant, but I used a First Strike card to kiill it before it could have an effect. The Macedonians won 7 to 4.
We swapped sides, and the start was somewhat the same, with the phalanx advancing up the centre. I positioned my elephants to strike, and sent them in. This time he pulled out the First Strike card, and my elephants crumbled, followed by my right flank, the pikes of the phalanx sweeping all before them. Macedonians 7 to 3.
I think it is winnable by the Indians, if they get the elephants right. They need to get into the right position to strike, and cause as much damage as possible in their initial attack, because they do not last long. The Companion cavalry, particularly the one with Alexander, are a huge threat, four dice and can ignore two retreats and one sword dice. They should be the primary target of every light infantry unit in the Indian force to try and jag a leader hit against Alexander.