A medium cavalry unit is attacked by a light cavalry unit and a heavy cavalry unit at the same time. Can the medium cavalry unit evade or not?
According to the rules it could evade while attacked by heavy cavalry but it could not evade the light cavalry. So has it to stay and fight even the heavy cavalry or can it evade the heavy cavalry and even the light cavalry?
The key here is that the units battles are not at the same time but are resolved in one at a time as chosen by the attacking player.
If the attacking player chooses the Light Cav to Battle first then the Mediums cannot evade and dice are rolled.
After that is resolved, including any retreat because of banners rolled and any Battle Back, the Heavy Cav may be chosen to Battle if the Medium Cav is still adjacent. If the Heavy Cav is able to battle it is at this point that the defending player chooses to evade or not.
If the attacking player chooses the Heavy Cav to battle first then the Medium Cav can evade them and may end up no longer adjacent to the Light Cav and therefore not be battled by them later in the turn.
Phill is exactly right, timing your attacks is important. A light cavalry has only a small chance against a medium cavalry, as they do not score sword hits. A heavy has a good chance against mediums, but they can evade. However, they will hit on a blue triangle, just the same as a light cavalry, but roll twice the dice.
As a medium cavalry I would always evade a heavy if I can.