314 Dyrrhachium (48 BC)

16 years 2 days ago #89 by admin
** This thread discusses the Content article: 314 Dyrrhachium (48 BC) **

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15 years 7 months ago #312 by alecrespi
Replied by alecrespi on topic 314 Dyrrhachium (48 BC)
FAQs present for this scenario. CLICK HERE to read.

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5 years 10 months ago #2626 by Stanislav27
Replied by Stanislav27 on topic 314 Dyrrhachium (48 BC)
Game 1:
Pompeian: 1
Caesarian: 6

The first match was fought mainly on the Caesarian right (very much dictated by both players' hands). Caesar's troops held off Pompey's aggressive attack near the rampart while Caesar slowly maneuvered his central backline to the left and his right contingent forward. Pompey stuck to missile fire and isolated attacks - including a courageous charge by his cavalry. However, the Goddess of the Dice was not forthcoming and many of these attacks suffered at the hands of superior battle back dice from the Caesarian forces. Meanwhile, Marcellinus and Antony linked up their forces and held their ground against the main Pompeian concentration on the opposite flank. After beating back the advance on his right side, Caesar personally led his right wing forward, over the rampart and struck at the weakened Pompeian units that had withdrawn. Victory for Caesar.

Game 2:
Pompeian: 6
Caesarian: 3

The second battle was fought predominantly in the center and the Caesarian left. The Pompeian general was blessed with a useful Line Command card early in the bout and used it to push forward across the line. Caesar's troops fought valiantly and through clever maneuvering and target selection, the Caesarian general killed off some Pompeian light troops as well as the carelessly placed cavalry. Nevertheless, Pompey managed to withdraw some of his weakened units on his left and kept pushing on his right, where a rain of pila paved the way for a general advance, where Titus Puileo's leadership bonus proved decisive. The Caesarian left wing was overwhelmed and crushed. Before Caesar could rally Antony's and Marcellinus' troops and close the gap on his left, Titus Puileo led his cohorts off the field...presumably to prepare the encirclement of Caesar's forces. Pompey won the day.

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2 years 2 months ago #4234 by kostas63
Replied by kostas63 on topic 314 Dyrrhachium (48 BC)
Vittoria Cesariana 6-2. Pompeo decide di attaccare sui fianchi, incaricando Tito Puleio di sfondare tra le difese in costruzione nemiche e lui stesso assalta le difese prima che intervenga Cesare. I piani non vanno come previsto. Cesare ordina un'Avanzata Rapida e raggiunge gli spalti entrando in mischia immediatamente con Pompeo che è costretto a ritirarsi con gravi perdite. Sulla sinistra cesariana Antonio crea una linea difensiva e blocca Tito Puleio giusto tra le difese in costruzione. Pompeo ordina una ritirata generale prima che la disfatta sia totale.

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