Start Turn Temporary Medal Objective
The Victory Medal for this objective hex is held and captured only as long as a unit of the appropriate side occupies the objective hex at the start of its turn. If the unit vacates the hex for any reason (movement, retreat or elimination), the medal is immediately lost.
The Victory Medal for this objective hex is held and captured only as long as a unit of the appropriate side occupies the objective hex at the start of its turn. If the unit vacates the hex for any reason (movement, retreat or elimination), the medal is immediately lost.
A Temporary Medal Objective and a Start Turn Temporary Medal Objective can also apply for a group of hexes, such as a line of trenches, forest or hills. When the side occupies any hex in the group, the Victory Medal for this group is gained. If none of the hexes in the group are occupied for any reason (movement, retreat or elimination), the medal is immediately lost.