
All units and lone Leaders must stop when entering a camp hex and may move no further on that turn.

  • An ordered unit or lone Leader, that leaves a camp hex, may only move onto an adjacent hex regardless of its normal movement allowance.
  • A unit that makes a successful Close Combat after moving out of a camp hex may make a Momentum Advance if terrain permits.
  • A camp hex offers protection against attacks from all directions.
  • A unit on a friendly camp hex, battles out with a maximum of three battle dice.
  • A unit attacking to retake a friendly camp hex battles the enemy unit on the camp hex with a maximum of two battle dice.
  • A unit defending on a friendly camp hex may disregard one flag rolled against it.
  • A unit attacking to take an enemy camp hex, battles the enemy unit on the camp hex with a maximum of two battle dice.
  • A unit on an enemy camp hex battles out with a maximum of two battle dice.
  • A Command card and/or Battlefield Action that adds additional dice in battle will modify the maximum number of battle dice that may be rolled.
    NOTE: Mounted units will receive protective benefit from camp hexes.
Line of Sight

A camp hex blocks Line of Sight.

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Mark-McG replied the topic:
3 years 8 months ago
I think in the absence of a limitation, ranged fire works as normal, with the advantages of a defending unit ina friendly camp (ignore 1 flag)

Camps seem to be very different to Fortified camps in Ancients
ColCampbell replied the topic:
3 years 8 months ago
What about ranged fire into an occupied camp hex. Is there are decrement? We played the Phasis River scenario today and that question arose. As game master I ruled that any ranged fire into a camp hex could only be done with one combat die even if the firing unit had not moved. I did this because of the inherent defense of a camp site. But is this correct? The rules for battling into a camp hex seem only to indicate those units trying to "capture" the hex, i.e., close combat, rather than just shooting from a distance at the occupants of the camp hex.


Mark-McG replied the topic:
4 years 6 months ago
Yes.. the terrain does not disallow it, so the normal rules prevail.
The unit battles with a maximum number of dice, max 3 on a friendly camp, and max 2 on an enemy camp.
Erik Uitdebroeck replied the topic:
4 years 6 months ago
Hello everybody,

I have a question about a unit entering a camp:

When entering, can a unit battle?

Kind regards,