Movements are announced and made sequentially, one ordered unit or Leader at a time, in the sequence of a player’s choice.
Leaders are not units and follow some different movement rules, see “Leader Movement” rules section. Retreat movement rules vary slightly from regular ordered movement: see “Retreat” rules section.

  • A unit may only be ordered to move once per turn.
  • A unit that is ordered does not have to move.
  • A unit that is ordered may move in any direction.
  • A unit’s movement must be completed before beginning the movement of another unit or Leader.
  • Two units may never occupy the same hex.
  • A unit may not pass through a hex containing another friendly unit.
    There are a couple of exceptions, see Command cards “Order Light Troops” and “Move-Fire-Move” rules section.
  • A unit may not move onto or through a hex occupied by an enemy unit or enemy Leader.
  • A unit may move onto a hex occupied by a friendly Leader when the Leader block is alone in a hex. The unit must stop and can move no further on that turn. The Leader is then considered attached to the unit.
  • Ordered units and Leaders may move from one Section of the battlefield into another.
  • A unit or Leader may only move off the battlefield’s baseline or lateral edges when explicitly allowed by the scenario’s special rules.
  • Individual blocks may not split off from a unit; the blocks in a unit must always stay together and move as a group.
  • A unit that is reduced through casualties may not combine with another unit.
  • Some terrain features affect movement and may prevent a unit from moving its full distance or battling, see “Terrain” rules section.
  • A unit may not move onto or through a hex with impassable terrain.

Foot Unit Movement

The following unit types are foot units:

  • A Light Bow Infantry unit may move one or two hexes and battle.
  • ►An Auxilia Infantry unit may move one or two hexes and battle. Auxilia units are classed as light foot units for the purposes of being ordered to move and taking hits.
  • ►A Medium Infantry unit may move one hex and battle or move two hexes and not battle.
    Note: Medium Infantry now moves like Ancients Auxilia – move one hex and battle or two hexes and no battle.”
  • A Warrior Infantry unit may move one hex and battle or move two hexes only when the second hex the Warrior unit moves onto takes the unit adjacent to an enemy unit and it is eligible to battle in Close Combat. This Close Combat is compulsory after a two-hex “charge movement”.
    Warrior units are classed as Medium foot units for the purposes of being ordered to move and taking hits.
  • A Heavy Infantry unit may move one hex and battle.

Mounted Unit Movement

The following unit types are mounted units:

  • Light Cavalry and Light Bow Cavalry units may move one, two, three, or four hexes and battle.
  • Medium Cavalry units may move one, two, or three hexes and battle.
  • Heavy Cavalry and Super Heavy Cataphract Cavalry units may move one or two hexes and battle.

Leader Movement

  • A Leader may only be ordered to move once per turn.
  • An ordered Leader does not have to move.
  • A Leader that is ordered may move in any direction.
  • A Leader’s movement must be completed before beginning the movement of another unit or Leader.
  • An ordered Leader (either alone in a hex or ordered to detach from the unit it is with) may move up to three hexes.
  • A lone Leader may move through a hex with a friendly unit, a hex with a friendly unit and an attached Leader, or another friendly Leader that is alone in a hex, but may not end movement in a hex containing another friendly lone Leader or a unit with an attached Leader.
    NOTE: A friendly unit or Leader is defined as all units or Leaders on the same side.
  • A Leader that moves onto a hex with a friendly unit may stop as long as the unit does not already have an attached Leader. The Leader is then considered attached to the unit.
  • Some terrain features affect movement and may prevent a Leader from moving its full distance or battling, see “Terrain” rules section.
  • A Leader may not move onto or through a hex with impassable terrain.
  • A Leader may not move onto or through a hex occupied by an enemy unit or enemy Leader, unless the Leader is attempting to escape through the occupied enemy hex, see “Leader Escape” rules section.

Attached and Detach Leaders

A Leader in the same hex as a friendly unit is considered “attached” to the unit and must move along with the unit unless the Leader is ordered to detach.

  • It only costs one order for a unit and its attached Leader to move and/or battle together.
  • When any Section Command card is played, a Leader in the same hex as a unit may be ordered to detach from the unit and move. It costs one order for the attached Leader to detach from the unit and moved separately.
    NOTE: A helmet symbol on the left top corner of the Section cards will help remind players that a Leader can detach.
  • When a “Leaders” Command card is played, a Leader in the same hex as a unit may be ordered to detach from the unit and move.
  • When a “Cry Havoc” Command card is played, a Leader in the same hex as a unit may be ordered to detach from the unit and move.



NOTE: All Section Command cards, the “Leaders” and the “Cry Havoc” Command cards have a helmet symbol to remind players that an attached Leader may be ordered to move separately when playing these cards.

  • The unit the Leader is detached from is not ordered but could be ordered by spending another order.
  • A unit and its attached Leader may be ordered simultaneously by spending two orders. During movement, the owning player chooses what sequence to move the Leader and unit.
  • Attaching a Leader to a unit does not order the unit just joined or the unit the Leader just detached from.
  • A Leader may detach from one unit, move and attach to another unit, but may not move again with the unit he has just joined. The unit could have been ordered and moved prior to the Leader joining the unit, but once the Leader joins the unit it may not move.


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