Victory Results:
 40 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  60 %
Total plays 70 - Last reported by ozzie on 2024-03-31 06:01:49

Historical Background

Attila had a pretext for invading Gaul. Honoria, the older sister of the Western Roman Emperor, appealed directly to Attila to escape an arranged marriage.
Attila eagerly accepted the ‘proposal’ and demanded a dowry of half the Western Empire. The Emperor refused and ordered Aetius, a very capable soldier and diplomat, to build a coalition army to meet the expected invasion. His Roman units and their Gallic auxiliaries formed less than half of the army. The remainder were Alans and Visigoths who reluctantly joined because their fear of the Huns was greater than their hatred of the Romans. Attila’s army contained even more nationalities, but the superb Hun horsemen were the largest component. On the day of battle, both commanders formed their armies into three divisions as was customary. Attila’s right flank consisted of an ad hoc collection of subject nationalities - primarily Franks, Gepids and Burgundians with no overall commander.
The Gepids were most numerous but had lost heavily covering Attila’s retreat from Orleans. The Ostrogoths made up Attila’s left wing. In the center were the fearsome Huns. Attila expected his Huns to face the Romans, but Aetius had other plans. He had received rumors of possible Alan perfidy, and placed that contingent in the center, bolstered by the Romans on the left and the Visigoths on the right. Attila first tried to outflank Aetius by attacking the Romans with Huns from his center, but the attack failed. Tellingly, the Germanic right wing held back. Attila then launched his main attack against the Alans in the center, but they resisted fiercely before being overwhelmed. The Huns pursued the Alan remnants, ignoring the untouched Romans on their flank. Aetius promptly attacked the Hun’s exposed flank while sending part of his wing to push back the wavering Gepids. At the same time the Visigoths routed the Ostrogoths on the other flank and were attacking the Hun’s left flank and rear. Attila knew his army would be destroyed if he held his ground, so he ordered a rapid retreat to his wagon laager camp.
The stage is set. The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. Can you change history?

War Council

Hun Army (Use Tan blocks)

• Leader: Attila
• 5 Command Cards
• 3 Inspired Action tokens

Roman Army (Use Purple blocks)

• Leader: Aetius
• 5 Command Cards
• 4 Inspired Action tokens
• Move First


7 Banners

Special Rules

  • The Hun Medium and Heavy Cavalry units are armed with bows. Place a bow marker on these units.
  • The Gepid Heavy Cavalry units are not armed with bows. Place a non-bow marker on these units.
  • The Roman Medium and Heavy Cavalry units are not armed with bows. Place a non-bow marker on these units.
  • The Alan Heavy Cavalry units are armed with bows. Place a bow marker on these units.
  • The Marne River is impassable.


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ozzie replied the topic:
2 months 6 days ago
Three games, all ending in Roman victories, 7-2, 7-4 and 7-6. Sangiban and his Alans with some Roman heavy cavalry in reserve destroyed the Huns in games 1 and 2 with the Roman infantry gaining the extra banners to complete the game. Attila died in 2 of the games, first in combat and then shot from long range on a double-helmet roll!  He survived the 3rd battle but was left standing on his won with his troops all dead around him.

The deployment of the Hunnic auxilia directly in front of the cavalry makes it hard for the Huns to bring their fire-power to bear. 
serpentium replied the topic:
1 year 7 months ago
Roma 7 Unni 4
Magmik replied the topic:
3 years 2 months ago
Huns win 7-4
Rashkolnikov replied the topic:
3 years 9 months ago
In my opinion the Roman side to have a chance of victory must rearrange the troops in the first part of the game. The left/center side is under the charge of the Hun's warriors, and the two heavy troops are too weak in the first part of the battle. The three Roman HC cavalry are set too far from the other troops, it's impossible for the Alans cavalry to break into the line of Attila. Hun have to do one thing: advance.
esparver73 replied the topic:
3 years 11 months ago
Both sides used heavy cavalry charges to break the enemy center, with some spectacular successes, but also losing many units in the process. The Gepids withstood the Roman assault thanks to their warrior units while on the Hun left the Huns proper managed to push the Alans to the edge of the board and rout them for a 7-4 victory.
kostas63 replied the topic:
4 years 2 months ago
Vittoria Unni 7-3. La battaglia si svolge inizialmente sulle due ali. Attila si spinge in avanti e respinge gli Alani senza pero' eliminarli definitivamente. Sulla destra unna I Guerrieri attaccano il centro romano ma dopo un iniziale successo vengono respinti ed eliminati. La Cavalleria Pesante gepida di Arderico interviene caricando e salva la situazione portando a casa la vittoria.
g1ul10 replied the topic:
4 years 7 months ago
two games, the first won by Hun 7-4, the second by Roman 7-2