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Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  100 %
Total plays 3 - Last reported by Hawkmoon on 2024-11-24 14:44:06

I thought I will share this here. Fan-made compilation of the 002 and 003 scenarios from base game into one, EPIC Catalaunian Fields battle.

002 Catalaunian Fields (451 AD) Roman Left
003 Catalaunian Fields (451 AD) Roman Right

War Council

HUNS (Use Tan blocks)
• Leader: Attila
• 10 Command Cards
• 5 Inspired Action tokens

ROMANS (Use Purple Blocks)
• Leader: Aetius
• 10 Command Cards
• 7 Inspired Action tokens
• Move First Move First

14 Banners


    The Hun Medium and Heavy Cavalry units are armed with bows. Place a bow marker on these units.
    The Alan Heavy Cavalry units are armed with bows. Place a bow marker on these units.

    The Gepid Heavy Cavalry units are not armed with bows. Place a non-bow marker on these units.
    The Roman Medium and Heavy Cavalry units are not armed with bows. Place a non-bow marker on these units.
    The Ostrogoth Heavy Cavalry units are not armed with bows. Place a non-bow marker on these units.
    The Visigoth Heavy Cavalry units are not armed with bows. Place a non-bow marker on these units.

  • The Marne River is impassable.


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Hawkmoon replied the topic:
1 month 4 weeks ago
We've been playing yesterday at the DJAM (Des Jeux Au Mans) Games Festival for exhibition. Roman side won 14/9 after viewing its center practically destroyed but reinforced by charging Heavy Cav.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
2 months 2 weeks ago

Hi, we've been playtesting this scenario last Friday at our club Les Prétoriens. After a first part led by the Huns, the Romans finally won by 14-12.
I have some questions about the how-to-play because we're gonna show this scenario at a games festival in our town of Le Mans, November the 23rd with 2 others games DBA and SPQR with the same theme, the Catalaunian Fields to show the differences between the games played in our club.
How does it work for a Rally when playing a token with Inspired Leader ? How many dice are thrown ?
Infantry Onslaught is played like Cavalry Charge, right ?
Section Assault is very powerful (in Ancients, there is a max of 4 units in the same section that can be activated). We've been playing with the number of Command cards held.
Playing the same 2 section cards is the same that in Ancients, we supposed.
So, here are my first questions.
Thanks for the answers
Greetings from Le Mans
Some while ago I added a very similar scenario and rules to the site, the main difference is the map moves 1 hex right, so the river is the border, and the empty column on the right was removed.

Within those rules they used a converted set of Epic Ancients I rules, and those rules limit the Assault section card to 5 units.

The Rally Inspired Action wasn't modified so the card says number of Cards in hand, so that is what we would use in those (rare) circumstances. 

Foot Onslaught Inspired Action works similarly to the Foot Onslaught Command card, except only Foot units ordered by the Leadership card can be selected.In that sense it is the same process as all Leadership cards, the Command card orders the units, and the Inspired Action token affects ordered units.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
2 months 2 weeks ago

any chance that this can be added to the Vassal Mod?
the double width mapboard is already included in the VASSAL module, so it is just a matter of making or loading a VSAV file.

File Attachment:

File Name: EpicCatala...1AD.vsav
File Size:264 KB

this is the VSAV file of the scenario discussed below and here
Hawkmoon replied the topic:
2 months 2 weeks ago
Hi, we've been playtesting this scenario last Friday at our club Les Prétoriens. After a first part led by the Huns, the Romans finally won by 14-12.
I have some questions about the how-to-play because we're gonna show this scenario at a games festival in our town of Le Mans, November the 23rd with 2 others games DBA and SPQR with the same theme, the Catalaunian Fields to show the differences between the games played in our club.
How does it work for a Rally when playing a token with Inspired Leader ? How many dice are thrown ?
Infantry Onslaught is played like Cavalry Charge, right ?
Section Assault is very powerful (in Ancients, there is a max of 4 units in the same section that can be activated). We've been playing with the number of Command cards held.
Playing the same 2 section cards is the same that in Ancients, we supposed.
So, here are my first questions.
Thanks for the answers
Greetings from Le Mans
mk20336 replied the topic:
1 year 9 months ago
Let me ark Mark Benson, who recently did a lot of updates to the VASSAL modules for C&C. replied the topic:
1 year 9 months ago
any chance that this can be added to the Vassal Mod?
mk20336 replied the topic:
2 years 3 months ago
For all interested below our playthrough:

Commands Colors Medieval EPIC – Catalaunian Fields (451 AD)
mk20336 replied the topic:
2 years 5 months ago

Would one use Epic Ancient Rules and Board to play this?
This is exactly how we did; of course, not every card in CCM deck is similar to CCA, but you know which were Army Ones (Rally, Cry Havoc, Order XXX Troops). It requires some flexibility but plays great - my report here:
Commands Colors Medieval EPIC – Catalaunian Fields (451 AD) replied the topic:
2 years 5 months ago
Would one use Epic Ancient Rules and Board to play this?