Full Name Chiyoda armored car
Class Light Vehicle
Movement 6
Armor Value 1
Vs Infantry (RNG / FPR) 5/4
Vs Vehicle (RNG / FPR) 3/2
Period 1932-1945
Theaters of Service
  • East Asia

The Chiyoda armoured car was the first domestic Japanese armoured car accepted into service with the Imperial Japanese Army. Its armour scheme and wheel arrangement was similar to the British Wolseley armoured car, which the Japanese Army had adopted earlier. Armament consisted of three Type 11 6.5 mm machine guns--two in the fully-rotating turret atop the vehicle, and one forward-facing in the left bow. It weighed 5 tonnes, carried a crew of five, and could attain 37 mph. The Japanese used these vehicles for infantry support and security duties during several early and mid-1930s operations in northern China. The Chiyoda Motor Car Factory produced 200 examples.

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