Q: Are pinned/disrupted squads considered fatigued in respect to establishing LOS?
A: Nope, they can still establish LOS. Fatigued units cannot establish LOS.
Q: Can disrupted units spot for mortars and artillery attacks?
A: Yes.
Q: If my squad is pinned but there is an officer present in the hex, does the squad contribute full or half firepower when defending against an assault?
A: Full firepower.
Q: Can a pinned or disrupted unit spot for mortars or artillery?
A: Yes, pinned/disrupted units can still spot for mortars and artillery as long as they are not fatigued.
Q: Is a pinned or disrupted unit a "fresh" until it is fatigued by the “Fatigue Unit” action?
A: Yes. Also, if there is an officer in the same hex, a “fresh” pinned squads may be activated with a Concentrated Attack action (page 29, Squad Conditions, side bar). Also note: Units on Op Fire become fatigued the moment they are pinned/disrupted. When a squad is pinned/disrupted but not fatigued, it can still be activated during the Action Phase.
The available actions for a pinned squad are:
1. Concentrated Fire (at half firepower), but only if there is an officer figure in the same hex.
2. Fatigue Unit (which is still an action).
The available actions for a disrupted squad are:
1. Fatigue Unit (which is still an action).
Q: Can pinned/disrupted units control objectives?
A: Yes.
Q: Can a pinned squad with an engineer specialization clear razor wire?
A: No. “A pinned or disrupted squad may never perform special actions (such as laying smoke or clearing mines).” (from page 29 sidebar) Many elements in the game allow for other “special actions”.
These actions are typically made available by Strategy cards, Operations cards, specialization tokens, and even from scenarios. For example, a unit with a medic specialization can be fatigued as an action to heal a weakened squad. But not if it is pinned or disrupted!
Can disrupted units spot for mortars and artillery attacks?
If my squad is pinned but there is an officer present in the hex, does the squad contribute full or half firepower when defending against an assault?
Full firepower.