Victory Results:
 0 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %

Hitdorf, Germany. April 6, 1945: As the Third Reich collapsed, many American leaders Letame bold to the poli.: of recklessness. erten a daring stroke bv a small group of soldiers yielded a vasi gaggie of denuntized German prlsoners. But. sometimes. the Americans pushed their Jack No far ami the Germans, like a wounded animai, would lash back with stinging effect At early domi. Co. A of the Ist 504th Parachute Rete crossed the Rhine and advanced toward the salva offfitdo:f. Unfortunately, elements of the 62nd Volksgrenadier Division had fusi linked up with the lingering mintrants of the I I th Pz. Division, ami the Gernrans vere not yet wiNìng to lay down their arms. The landing Ivens easy enough bus as the paratroopers entered the town, they vere met by an enemy companv that had been rushed to the sector.

This scenario is a modification of Squad Leader - Scenario 10.

  American German
Division 1

5 Squad Bases
- 14 Regular Infantry
- 2 Officer
- 1 Mortar Crew
- 1 Machine Gun Crew

2x Engineer

2 Squad Bases
- 5 Regular Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun Crew

1x Concealed Concealed

Division 2

4 Squad Bases
- 7 Regular Infantry
- 6 Elite Infantry
- 1 Officer
- 1 Machine Gun Crew

1x Engineer
1x AntiTank

See Reinforcements

Strategy Decks Artillery 2
Command 1
Artillery 1
Ground Support 1
Starting Strategy Cards 0 2
Operations Cards 005 Clear Mines
008 Lay Smoke
014 No Sunender
Deployment Zone Anywhere on the first two complete Western hex rows. Any grey hex.
Starting Initiative   Initiative Token Setup First
Objective The Americans win if they are able to control any two of the buildings on board 11A and have at least 6 squads remaining.  The Germans win by preventing this objective.
Rounds 8
Actions per turn 3 3
Reinforcements Round 3 (Status) west map edge.
6 squad bases
2 leaders
1 MG
3 elites
17 regulars
2x AntiTank
2x Engineer

Round 2 (Status) east map edge.
9 Squad Bases
- 18 Regular Infantry
- 7 Elite Infantry
- 3 Officer
- 2 Mortar Crew
- 2 Machine Gun Crew

3x Flamethrower

Round 6 (Status) east map edge.
4 Panzer IV


Special Rules The Americans have parachuted in and have limited supplies. They may only deploy three sinoke counters (mal, not per squad) during the course of the scenario. Put a fatigue counter on the Lay Smoke card each time a smoke countcr is cmated.
Remove the Lay Smoke card after the third fatigue counter is placed.
After the Americans have set up their initial forces the Germans may piace their 4 mine counters anywhere on the non-American deployment boards.
Terrain Features Streams are flooded.


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Discuss this article in the forums (3 replies).
alecrespi replied the topic:
1 year 1 month ago
Hi James,
this scenario is a modification of Squad Leader - Scenario 10 (taken from the scenario introduction by the author "Maury Richards").
JVHillegas-Elting replied the topic:
1 year 2 months ago
Apologies, I read a bit more and found some context at .

Wow, great find!!!
JVHillegas-Elting replied the topic:
1 year 2 months ago
This seems like a scenario inspired by or adapted from one submitted for the Tigers on the Hunt game ( ). Is this the case? If so, I'd be curious to hear of the connection between these two games, how the translation occurred, etc.