A detailed description of each type of terrain follows; including terrain movement effects, combat battle restrictions, terrain protection and if the terrain blocks line of sight.
Unlike other Command and Colours games, where terrain reduces the number of battle dice the attacking unit rolls, we have taken a slightly different, more historically tuned approach for the Command and Colours WWI game. In most cases the number of dice rolled by an attacking unit remains constant, even against an enemy unit on a terrain hex. What happens is that a unit on a terrain hex receives protection from the terrain, which will allow the unit to ignore one or more soldier symbols. In addition, some terrain will also allow a unit to ignore flags. A tank on a Terrain hex will not receive any terrain protection or the ability to ignore flags.

Each terrain hex or token description includes the following information:

  • Movement: Effect on moving onto a terrain hex
  • Combat: Effect of battling from the hex with terrain and when targeting an enemy unit on a terrain hex.
  • Line of Sight: Whether or not the terrain blocks line of sight.

Although not listed under each terrain feature, as a reminder, when a unit battles in close combat, each Deadly Die side rolled will also score a hit.



A waterway is classified as either, impassable terrain and can only be crossed when units move across it via a bridge, or as fordable terrain and can be moved onto and crossed without a bridge.
The scenario notes will indicate when the waterway hexes are impassable or fordable.


A waterway classified as impassable terrain can only be moved across via a bridge.
A waterway classified as fordable, a soldier unit, that enters must stop and may move no further on this turn. A waterway that is fordable terrain is still impassable terrain for tanks and field artillery.


A waterway classified as fordable terrain, a soldier unit that moves onto or is already on a waterway hex, may not battle.
Targeting a unit on a fordable waterway hex in ranged or close combat, the unit on a waterway hex does not have any protection (may not ignore soldier symbols or flags).
When reserve artillery targeting dice have 3 or more dice On Target, do not place a shell crater token on the waterway hex. When the battle dice are rolled for the On Target hex on this combat, all terrain protection is ignored and all dice symbols rolled will count.

Line of Sight

A waterway hex does not block line of sight.
A unit on a fordable waterway hex, however, will block line of sight.



No movement restrictions
Tanks and battlefield artillery units may only cross a waterway, when the hex has a bridge.


A unit, that moves onto a bridge or that is already on a bridge, does not reduce the number of battle dice it rolls.
Targeting a unit on a bridge in ranged or close combat, the unit on a bridge hex does not have any protection (may not ignore soldier symbols or flags).
When reserve artillery targeting dice have 3 or more dice On Target, flip the bridge token over to the damaged bridge side of the token. When the battle dice are rolled for this hex on this combat, all terrain protection is ignored and all dice symbols rolled will count. The hex, after this combat, is considered a fordable waterway hex.

Line of Sight

A bridge does not block line of sight.
A unit, however, when on a bridge will block line of sight.


  • A damage bridge is considered a fordable waterway hex.
  • An infantry unit with a special personnel engineer figure may rebuild a bridge. When a damaged bridge is rebuilt, flip the damage bridge token over to the bridge side 

Note: Special personnel engineer figures, at this time are not available. These figures are part of a special personnel figure expansion to be released at a future date.


A fortified position token may not occupy the same hex as a wire token, damaged bridge token, another fortified position token, building rubble or a waterway hex.


A fortified position token has the same movement restrictions as the hex the fortified position token occupies.


A unit that moves onto a hex that has a fortified position token or that is already on the hex, has the same combat restrictions as the hex the fortified position token occupies.
Targeting a unit on a hex with a fortified position token, the unit will ignore 1 soldier symbol, and may ignore 1 flag.
Ignoring 1 soldier symbol, and 1 flag, is in addition to the protection of the hex the fortified position token occupies. A fortified position token protection will stack with the protection of the terrain hex it is on.
When reserve artillery targeting dice have 3 or more dice On Target, remove the fortified position token from the hex and continue with the rules governing what happens to the terrain when 3 or more dice are On Target.

Fortified Position Examples:

  • Targeting a unit on a Countryside hex in ranged and close combat - unit will ignore 1 soldier symbol and may ignore 1 flag.
  • Targeting a unit on a Forest hex in ranged and close combat - unit will ignore 2 soldier symbols and may ignore 1 flag.
  • Targeting a unit on a Building hex in ranged and close combat - unit will ignore 2 soldier symbols and may ignore 2 flags.
  • Targeting a unit on a hill hex in ranged combat - unit on the hill hex will ignore 2 soldier symbols and may ignore 1 flag.
  • Targeting a unit on a hill hex in close combat and the attack is up hill - unit on the hill hex will ignore 2 soldier symbols and may ignore 1 flag.
  • Targeting a unit on a hill hex in close combat from an adjacent hill hex - unit will ignore 1 soldier symbol and may ignore 1 flag.
  • Targeting a unit on a Trench hex in ranged combat - unit will ignore 3 soldier symbols, and may ignore 3 flags.
  • Targeting a unit on a Trench hex in close combat - unit will ignore 2 soldier symbols, and may ignore 2 flags.
  • Targeting a unit on a shell crater in ranged and close combat - unit will ignore 2 soldier symbols and may ignore 2 flags.
  • Targeting a unit on a mine crater in ranged and close combat - unit will ignore 2 soldier symbols and may ignore 2 flags.

Line of Sight

A fortified position token has the same line of sight restrictions as the hex the fortified position token occupies.

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