Played some days ago with a friend of mine (I played Brit side).
The initial No-Man's-Land helped a lot adding a lot of craters and providing defensive bonuses.
Brits decided to advance on right side while Germans fired with reserve artillery and fortified their right side (city).
British advance on left side ended in a disaster so British troops decided to suffer some flags to run back on their own trenches.
British managed to kill 2 German units on center section.
Partial result: German 3 - British 2
Gemrans fortified around the city of "La Boisselle" and British advanced on the mine crater (1 VP)
Partial result: German 3 - British 4
Germans decided a counteroffensive on mine crater with an additional british unit killed.
Partial result: German 5 - British 3
British decided to get maximum result using the breakthrough rule, so advanced with a single unit and played a "Rush & Rotation" card to let 4 units reach German baseline.
During the next turns British let a couple units break through getting 2 + 2 VPs.
Final result: German 5 - British 7
I do believe that combining "Rush and Rotation" card with "Break Through" rules has been a great help. Adding the lack of German units... it has been unstoppable.
Nice play, at least on British side.
Will go to next scenario next.