Victory Results:
 0 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  0 %

In 917, the group of Danes who had previously been based in Huntingdon relocated to Tempsford in Bedfordshire, together with other Danes from East Anglia. They built and fortified a new burh there, to serve as a forward base for attacks on English territory. Later that year, after launching an unsuccessful attack on Bedford, they were attacked by an English army from the territories of King Edward the Elder, as part of his widespread offensive which in that year overwhelmed the Danish territories in East Anglia and south-eastern Mercia. The burh was stormed and a Danish king, probably that of East Anglia, was killed, along with the Jarls Toglos and Manna and many of their followers, while the rest were captured.

SAXONS (Use Tan blocks)
• Leader: King Edward the Elder
• 5 Command Cards
• 4 Inspired Action tokens
• Move first

VIKINGS (Use Purple Blocks)
• Leader: Guthrum II
• 6 Command Cards
• 3 Inspired Action tokens

6 Banners
Saxons get 1 banner for each city gate removed by storm

*The River is impassable.
*Auxilia units Battleback with 1 extra die.
*Saxons use the Byzantine Inspired Actions
*Vikings use all Inspired Actions
*Replace the Mounted Charge Command card text to read
Boar’s Snout
Select one foot unit and up to two adjacent foot units. Each unit can move one extra hex and battle.
When battling, add 1 die to each supported unit. Ordered units may not engage in Ranged Combat.

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Mark-McG replied the topic:
3 months 4 weeks ago
Alternative Victory Banner Special Rule
Put 3 Camp hexes along the riverfront hexes inside the burh worth a banner a piece. Vikings start with 3 banners.

Mark-McG replied the topic:
1 year 8 months ago
I encourage you to give scenario design a try. I generally find that picking a period or theatre and reading up on it focuses on how the armies performed and their strengths,weaknesses and tactics. At the other end of the medieval spectrum, War of the Roses would be a good arena for development of new armies and scenarios.

I don't know if you are familiar with BattleLore, a C&C medieval/fantasy game published around 2006, but it was full of ideas and innovations for the medieval period. Mainly it dealt with the 100 years war period, but could easily cover a range of situations, from fantasy, fiction to historical. Overall I prefer the C&C Medieval implementation as a more polished product, but BattleLore is a source of inspiration, and a fun game. 
Northdevon replied the topic:
1 year 8 months ago
As a brit it is great to see Viking/Saxon battles as supplememnts to the main game. If I were twice as clever as I am then there are maybe one or two I could try and post myself. Many thanks again.