Victory Results:
 50 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  50 %
Total plays 4 - Last reported by mk20336 on 2024-02-04 22:55:53


During the later stages of the Gothic War, the Ostrogoth king Teia called upon the Franks for help against the Byzantines under Narses. Although king Theodebald refused to send aid, he allowed two of his subjects, the Alamanni chieftains Leutharis (Lothar) and Butilinus (Buccelin), to cross into Italy. The two brothers gathered a host of 75,000 Franks and Alamanni, and in early 553 crossed the Alps, confident that they could overwhelm Narses, for whose military talents, eunuch and chamberlain as he was, they professed supreme contempt.

The two brothers advanced into central Italy. Buccelin had marched south towards Campania and he was finally persuaded by the Goths to risk an open battle with the Byzantine army which he tried to avoid until then. He encamped on the banks of the Vulturnus river, near modern Capua, and waited. Narses left Rome to meet him.

Narses, as usually, placed his cavalry on the two wings and the infantry in the center. Buccelin had drawn up his all-infantry army in the shape of a deep column, which should hit like a wedge through enemy lines. In this array the Franks attacked, armed with missile lances, swords, and axes, confident that they would sweep all before them at the first rush. They penetrated into the center of the Byzantine array, but there, found themselves between the cross-fire of the cavalry, who were all armed with bows. It was a complete annihilation. Buccelin was slain and only a handful escaped.Anecdote: The army of the Franks was initially 75, 000 but one third was lost of dysentery which was caused by the consumption of ripe grapes.


War Council

FRANKS (Use Tan blocks)
• Leader: Lothar & Buccelin
• 5 Command Cards
• 2 Inspired Action tokens
• Move first

BYZANTINE (Use Purple Blocks)
• Leader: Narses
• 5 Command Cards
• 4 Inspired Action tokens

6 Banners


  • Frank player gets 1 victory point for each unit exiting off board from the Byzantine edge (also for each leader separately)
  • Franks player starts game with Line Command
  • The Byzantine Medium and Heavy cavalry units are armed with bows.
  • The River is fordable.
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Mark-McG replied the topic:
8 months 3 days ago
as a tempoirary expedient whilst I update the module file, please find attached a game save of the scenario for use.

File Attachment:

File Name: MK02Casili...4AD.vsav
File Size:202 KB
mk20336 replied the topic:
8 months 6 days ago
Hi John,
the scenario should be as part of Vassal module (I believe it was added).

As for the rules - I will cite Mr. Borg - apply the rules literally :) So Franks have hand of 5 and start the game with Lien Command. Nothing more, nothing less.

So they do not need to play this card in first round; there is no obligation - you can even keep it to the end of game.
John of York replied the topic:
8 months 6 days ago

How does the starting Line Command work for the Franks? Do they find a Line Command from the deck and then randomly draw their four other starting cards? 
In real game, they should find the card and take it to hand and only draw randomly the remaining 4 (so they have 5 in hand).
In Vassal they already start with Line Command in hand.
I should have asked this also. They start with a Line Command in hand, but they I assume they do not have to play it on their first turn. 

Also, I do not see this scenario listed in the Gothic War section. Where can I download the scenario?

Thank you,

mk20336 replied the topic:
8 months 3 weeks ago

How does the starting Line Command work for the Franks? Do they find a Line Command from the deck and then randomly draw their four other starting cards? 
In real game, they should find the card and take it to hand and only draw randomly the remaining 4 (so they have 5 in hand).
In Vassal they already start with Line Command in hand.
John of York replied the topic:
8 months 3 weeks ago
How does the starting Line Command work for the Franks? Do they find a Line Command from the deck and then randomly draw their four other starting cards? 
mk20336 replied the topic:
10 months 1 week ago
Yes of course, should be edited on the page.
Mark-McG replied the topic:
10 months 3 weeks ago
I take the 3rd Special Rule to mean the Heavy and Medium Cavalry units, but not the Heavy and Medium foot units