Note: For the purposes of the following rules, the terms '`wadi," "wadi hexes," and "wadi terrain feature" include all wadi terrain in wadi hexes. wadi entrance hexes, and wadi bridge hexes unless specified otherwise.

  1. Units at level 0 can see into all adjacent wadi hexes. They can also see into non-adjacent wadi hexes if they can trace a straight. unbroken line through an adjacent wadi hex directly along the wadi terrain depiction itself to the target. If the LOS leaves the wadi terrain depiction, LOS is blocked. Wadis never block LOS between units that are at level 0.
  2. Units within a wadi can only see other units within a wadi if they can trace a straight, unbroken line directly along the wadi terrain depiction. If not. LOS is blocked, EVEN IF the other unit is adjacent. Units in adjacent hexes that do not have LOS to the target wadi hex may still support an assault into a hex, but cannot initiate one.
  3. Non-adjacent units at an elevation of level 1 or higher can see into a wadi if they can trace a straight line directly along the wadi terrain feature itself. However, the first wadi hex along that LOS is always a blind hex unless the first wadi hex that LOS is traced through is a wadi entrance hex.
  4. Bridges do not block LOS within a wadi, but do create a blind hex within the wadi from elevations of level 1 or higher. Bridges over streams are not affected by this rule and never block LOS unless specified by a scenario special rule. Bridges only create one blind hex, regardless of range.


Wadi movement examples

This diagram illustrates several examples of movement in and around wadi terrain. The squad consists of regular infantry figures. All units have been activated with Advance actions.

  1. This tank has entered the wadi through a wadi entrance hex, so it is not required to roll a die to avoid damage. It pays I movement point for each wadi hex, including the wadi bridge hex. When it enters the wadi bridge hex. it must enter the
    lower level of the hex because it is entering from a contiguous wadi hex.
  2. This squad would normally be able to choose which level of the wadi bridge hex to enter. However, since there is an enemy unit on the wadi level of the hex, the squad must enter on the bridge level of the hex. It is marked with a bridge
    indicator token and is considered to be at level 0 for all purposes.
  3. This half-track rolls for damage twice: once when entering the wadi hex, and once when exiting. If it were to fail just one of the two rolls, it would be lightly damaged. If it were to fail both rolls, it would be heavily damaged and immediately end its movement in the hex. Assuming that it succeeds with at least one roll, it would pay 2 movement points to move up the hill.
  4. This unit begins its movement on the bridge. In order to move to the lower level of the hex. it must move out of the hex to an adjacent nonwadi hex, then enter the wadi at a non-bridge hex, rolling for damage in the process (unless it enters at a wadi entrance hex). From the wadi hex, it would then be able to enter the wadi bridge hex at the lower level.
  5. This tank follows the dirt road to the wadi bridge hex. Since it is entering the wadi bridge hex from a level 0 hex, it must occupy the bridge level of the hex.

 Line of Sight (Wadis and Bridges)

These diagrams illustrate how wadi and balka terrain affects line of sight (LOS). Remember that all LOS is reciprocal and that the terms wadi and balka are essentially interchangeable. British Squad G is on the bridge level of the wadi bridge hex. and British Squad H is in the wadi beneath.

German Tank A can see British Units F, G, H. I, and J because it is adjacent to a wadi entrance hex and can trace LOS directly through the wadi terrain depiction.

German Squad D cannot see any of the British units because it cannot trace LOS entirely through the wadi terrain depiction.

German Squad E can only see British Squads F and G. It can trace LOS to British Squad F through the wadi terrain depiction. British Squad G is visible because it is on the bridge, which is at the same elevation as the clear terrain around it.

German Tank C can see British Units G, H. and J. British Squad G is visible because it is on the bridge, which is considered to be level 0 terrain. Squad H and Truck J are visible because the German tank is at a higher elevation and can trace its LOS directly through the wadi terrain depiction. However. British Squad F cannot be seen because the first non-adjacent wadi hex is a blind hex from higher elevations, regardless of range. British Tank I cannot be seen because the bridge creates a blind hex in the wadi behind the bridge, but does not block LOS into the wadi beneath the bridge.

German Half-Track B can see British Squads F. G, and H because they are in adjacent wadi hexes. It cannot see either of the British vehicles because units at level 0 cannot see into non-adjacent wadi hexes.

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