Three new types of specialization tokens are included in this expansion. The rules for using these new tokens are detailed below.


Specialization Experience

Introduced in this expansion are a few new specialization tokens containing experienced icons (stars). These symbols appear in addition to the normal symbol indicating the token's specialization.

Medal of Honor / Silver Star / Bronze Star


Each of these tokens is marked with one, two or three stars. During setup, a player receiving specialization tokens with an experienced icon must place a corresponding specialization token with a single star, assigning it to a squad of his choice (following normal rules of assigning specialization token rules). Throughout the game, certain events may cause the squad to upgrade (found under each specialization's description, such as the Alpha and Bravo units below). When a squad meets the listed conditions, the specialization token is removed and replaced with a token containing one additional star (unless the token already contains three stars, after which it is no longer upgradable).

The effect of experience on specialization tokens varies with each type of specialization.

For example, Alpha units receive +1 firepower for each star on their specialization token.



A squad with the Recon specialization is trained in scouting enemy territory and remaining hidden.
Stamina: This squad gains +1 movement. This movement is cumulative with any other movement bonus provided by leader figures, card effects, or scenario special rules.
Stealth: This squad cannot he attacked at long range. If an opponent attempts to attack this squad at long range, it is considered out of range for that attack.


Alpha Unit


Alpha Units represent elite squads specially trained in the use of various firearms, and in neutralizing enemy forces.
Experience: This squad starts with the Alpha unit token containing one star. After this squad performs a Concentrated Fire, or Fire and Movement action, and at least two attack successes are rolled (before applying defense dice), replace this specialization token with the Alpha unit token containing one additional star (see "Specialization Experience").
Adept Marksmen: This squad gains +1 firepower when attacking enemy infantry for each star on its specialty token.


Bravo Unit


Bravo Units represent elite squads specially trained in taking cover and staying alive when the odds are against them.
Determination: This squad starts with the Bravo unit token containing one star. After this squad survives an attack (including assaults) and at least two attack successes are rolled (before applying defense dice), replace this specialization token with the Bravo unit token containing one additional star (see "Specialization Experience").
Adept Defenders: This squad gains +I cover for each star on its specialty token


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