Alecrsespi, you put a lot of thought into the experimental rules. I do not have experience with TOI and am still in the process of acquiring some game sets. Having said that, I have put some initial thought into evaluating the system overall... I found in a board game geek thread where someone stated the scale of the pieces were 1/72 for Infantry and 1/144 (approximately) for vehicles. I also found many sources for 1/150 scale aircraft that are already attached to raised bases. I like where you are going with the experimental rules. I could see such additional things as half tracks with radios (a quick search finds this variant already made with radio) or an engineer variant. Even 1/72 scale airborne troops paired with the appropriate 1/150 transport plane is a possibility. There are also self propelled artillery options available in 1/144 and self propelled flak that could be used in either anti aircraft or ground against other targets (Germans used these with great effect on Eastern front). At any rate, I think there is potential for a new gaming system entirely or, at the very least, an opportunity to provide greater depth to the current one. I have more additional initial thoughts on the topic. Feel free to send me a private email to discuss further ( Thank you.