From Red Alert Forum ((Kevin Rolfs<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>; Cal Pearson<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>; Ed_ Strecker <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>)).

Purchase Points ?
Class Strike
Ship Name (S) Quantum Phase Craft (AKA “The Phase Spider” stellar submarine)
Figures 1 (+1 shld)
Sub-Light Movement

2 (normal space)/1 (phased)
Requires command to Phase “Out”, likewise “In” and must be separate turns.


[2] - 2 (normal), No attack Nor able to be Attacked when phased

Unit Hit On
Shields & Manoeuvre Ignore Blast: 1 Capital Class (Except NOT SP when normal)
Notes Cannot Battle Back when in “Phased”!
Cannot phase if have RA.
Cannot control or gain Planetary Control Objectives.
Alternative possibilities (Ie. Battle [1] - 1 (phased), Not affected by some terrain when phased, Reduce all attacks by -1 as if cloaked/phased, Cloaked or even hidden movement while phased, Decoy Markers, discovery attempts (remove decoy) cost an attack on hex, RA do not effect when phased, Not able to be attacked when phased, etc)
Red Alert

When adjacent to command vessel ignore 1 red alert

Victory Points 4 / 5 ??
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