From Red Alert Forum (Kevin Rolfs<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>; Cal Pearson<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>; Ed_ Strecker <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>).

Purchase Points 12 / 14 ??
Class Strike
Ship Name (MS) Mine Layer/Sweeper
Figures 1 (+1 shld)
Sub-Light Movement

2 hexes (Warp 3 once, sacrificing 1 Shield/Ship Model)



Unit Hit On
Shields & Manoeuvre -

Cannot Battle Back!

Cannot control or gain Planetary Control Objectives.

------- MINES --------------

If Ordered & moves, pays 1, 2, 3 to lay a mine(s) [of that strength] in hex exited.

Ships entering a mined hex roll strength dice and cause hits on matching Class, Blast and RA.

Capital ships destroyed cause impassible Debris Field/ordinance hazard in that hex.

Removal of mines can be accomplished by 1 of 2 ways:

  1. Ordering a Mine Sweeper in but of course could be attacked (even destroyed). Fortunately, a benefit of Mine Layer/Sweeper is special hull that reduces chances with ignoring 1 Blast and/or 1 RA! Should Mine Sweeper survive, it can reduce strength of mines by 1. The issue becomes at the start of next turn with Mine Sweeper remaining in the mined hex causing a new re-roll of the new mine strength possibly causing damage or destroying. With a new ordering, the Mine Sweeper makes another attempt at eliminating or reducing the mine hex by another strength.

  2. Send a Fighter Class in trying to navigate and dodge shooting one of many mines to reduce field by 1 strength, but mines still get a strength attack initially. Fighter ignores 1 Blast so have a chance (meaning will be affected if F is rolled, and especially if F Class and RA are rolled by attacking mines).

Many possible options (ie. ION Mines, TORPEDO Mines, mine terrain, etc)

Red Alert

When adjacent to command vessel ignore 1 red alert

Victory Points 3 / 4 / 5 ??
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