From Red Alert Forum (Kevin Rolfs This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Cal Pearson<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>; Ed_ Strecker <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>).

Purchase Points 8/9
Class Strike
Ship Name (DE) Destroyer Escort Class (AKA Da Warper)
Figures 1 (+1 shld)
Sub-Light Movement

2 hexes (Warp 3 once, sacrificing 1 Shield/Ship Model)


[1(3)] - 2 - 1

Unit Hit On
Shields & Manoeuvre Ignore Blast: 1 CAP Class
Notes Can sacrifice Shield/Ship/Model to do 1 Warp 3 (if don’t have, then can’t).
Also has “1” augmented attack [3], thereafter 1-2-1.
Cannot Battle Back! Instead, Pay 2x  stars and execute a Retire move of two hexes following all Retire rules. Cannot stack this Retire with attack rolled Retire demands. 
Cannot control or gain Planetary Control Objectives.
Red Alert

Ignore 1 RA

When adjacent to command vessel ignore 1 red alert

Victory Points 3
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