Victory Results:
 37 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  63 %
Total plays 19 - Last reported by ErikUitdebroeck on 2022-07-21 23:33:17

Pea Ridge, Arkansas (Elkhorn Tavern)
March 7, 1862

Historical Overview
In December 1861, Gen. Samuel R. Curtis took command of the Union Army of the Southwest and was instructed to drive the Confederates out of Missouri. Van Dorn, newly appointed commander of Confederate forces in Arkansas, joined with Price and McCulloch and had grand plans to reinvade Missouri, take St. Louis, and then move against Grant from the north. Rather than attack head on against Curtis’s men, who were drawn up in a good defensive position, Van Dorn planned to march around the Union right flank and attack them from the rear.
By midmorning on March 7, Van Dorn’s leading division, under Price, had reached a position north of Elkhorn Tavern. Unfortunately, his second division, under McCulloch, had fallen behind. Van Dorn ordered McCulloch to strike south and attack toward Leetown, several miles west of Elkhorn Tavern. This resulted in two separate engagements being fought.
Curtis was alerted to the Confederate flank march and managed to reorganize his defenses to face north instead of south. He sent Col. Eugene A. Carr’s division to block Price, while his remaining three divisions moved toward Leetown.
Near Elkhorn Tavern, Carr had occupied strong defensive positions on top of the Pea Ridge plateau. Following a prolonged artillery barrage, the Confederates attacked. Carr’s troops fought stubbornly and gave ground slowly. Toward dusk, Carr was able to withdraw his battered regiments.
The stage is set, the battle lines are drawn, and you are in command. The rest is history.


Set-Up Order

Woods 16
Hills 8
Homestead 2


Union Army
Samuel R. Curtis
Take 5 Command Cards

     un gen
6 3 3 2

Confederate Army
Earl Van Dorn
Take 5 Command Cards
You move first

10 3 2 1

6 Flags

Special Rules


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kostas63 replied the topic:
3 years 1 week ago
Vittoria Confederata 6-1. Dopo uno scambio di fucileria lungo tutto il fronte, la battaglia si concentra sul possesso delle colline. Con una Marcia Forzata i Nordisti concentrano l'attacco sulla loro ala sinistra ma il generale Carr perde la vita e l'avanzata si arresta. La cavalleria sudista riceve l'ordine di caricare ed elimina due su tre unità di cavalleria nemica, concludendo la battaglia.

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