On some of the dense urban terrain map boards. hexes sometimes contain a partial depiction of a road. In most cases, if the road terrain does not cross the center point of the hex, the entire hex is considered to be the terrain  underneath the center dot. The only exception is the road terrain that runs along the outside edge of a map board. Vehicles may use road or railway movement benefits in those hexes even if the road only runs along a hex side or if the road is in a normally off-limits half-hex.

A vehicle may move into a half-hex which contains a road from an adjacent hex that contains an adjoining road. If a bombarded terrain overlay is in the hex, it replaces the road terrain and blocks half-hex road movement. A  vehicle that moves through a road half-hex must end its movement in a full hex which contains terrain that the tank may enter. If the vehicle must stop due to Op Fire, it must end its movement in the last full hex that it entered.

There are also situations in which a hex will contain both a building and a depiction of board-edge road. In some cases, a road may run along a hex side between two building hexes. A vehicle may use the road as stated above, paying the normal movement cost for roads, but may not end its movement in either building hex. This only applies to the roads that run along the edges of dense urban terrain map boards.



The German pkver activates his Pz III and moves it along the mad, paving I MP per half-hex and ending its movement in (OW clear hex. The Soviet T-34 makes an Op Fire attack when the Pz III enters flex .4. I f the PI III receives healy damage from the attack, it must return to its starting position. since that was the last legal hex that it occupied.
Next, the German player activates the StuG Ill. It is able to pass between the buildings along the road hexside. but may not stop in either building hex. If it were to receive &vv.)! dunnage from Op Fire in one of those hexes. it would also have to return to its starting position.


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