= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (From Red Alert Forum -- )

Purchase Points: 5

Class: Fighter

Ship Name: (TB) Torpedo Bomber Squadron

Figures: 1 (+2 shlds)

Sub-light Movement: 3

Battle: [2] regular CQ

Or Torpedo Attack [3] - 2

Unit Hit On: F & Blast

Shields & Maneuver: Ignore Blast: 1 Capital Class (Except NOT SP)

Notes: Strike Ships ignore 1 Blast from TB regular

Capital Ships ignore 2 Blast from TB regular

When adjacent to a friendly F unit, Battles Back with [3] regular

------- TORPEDO ATTACKS --------------

When make Torpedo Attack, requires spending a Torpedo Token.

One Time Torpedo Tokens (but can be replenished by moving adjacent to a friendly Carrier,

transport or controlled planet hex.

Can only be used against Strike or Capital Ship (not F)

Inflict 1 Damage as usual

Inflict 1 RA per RA Rolled (regardless of hit or not).

RA inflicted by Torpedoes cannot be mitigated during the attackers turn.

------- ION TORPEDO ATTACKS ----------

Can only be used against Strike and Capital Ships (Not F).

One Time Attack (but can be replenished by moving adjacent to a friendly Carrier,

transport or controlled planet hex).

Inflicts 1 RA and 1 Ion Blast Token.

RA inflicted by Ion Torpedoes cannot be mitigated during the attackers turn.

------- If have ION Blast Token(s) --------------

(optional: 1 additional support purchase point to equip TB)

Can only be used against Strike or Capital Ships (not F)

One Tim Attack (but can be replenished by moving adhacent to friendly Carrier, transport or controlled planet hex)

Inflict NO Damage.

Inflict 1 RA and 1 Ion Blast Token.

Unit may not Battle Back.

Unit may not be ordered during its next turn.

Attackers roll +1 dice against units that have Ion Blast Token. All RA deal damage.

Ion Blast Tokens are removed at the beginning of the 2nd turn after they are received (an afflicted unit must go through 1 full turn until the status is removed).

Red Alert: Ignore 1 RA

When adjacent to Command Vessel ignore 1 RA

Victory Points: 1


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (From Red Alert Forum)

Purchase Points: ??

Class: Fighter

Ship Name: (TB) Alternative Torpedo Bomber

Figures: 1 (+2 shld)

Sub-light Movement: 3

Battle: [#*]

# = number of TP (TP + shlds)

‘*’ Using Torpedo marker adds +1d per torpedo vs Strike/Capital ships.

Unit Hit On: F & Blast

Shields & Maneuver: Ignore Blast: 1 Capital Class (Except NOT SP)

Notes: When a carrier launches a LR Fighter, instead can be TB. Place Torpedo marker as noted #


Red Alert: When adjacent to Command Vessel ignore 1 RA

Victory Points: 1


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (From Red Alert Forum)

Purchase Points: 5?

Class: Strike

Ship Name: (FF) Frigate Squadron

Figures: 1 (+1 shld)

Sub-light Movement: 3

Battle: [2] - 1 - 1

Unit Hit On: Strike & Blast

Shields & Maneuver: -

Notes: -

Red Alert: When adjacent to Command Vessel ignore 1 RA

Victory Points: 1


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (Cal Pearson<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>)

Purchase Points: 8

Class: Strike

Ship Name: (dC) Drone Corvette (Light)

Figures: 1 (+1 shld)

Sub-light Movement: 3

Battle: [1] - 3 - 2

Unit Hit On: Strike & Blast

Shields & Maneuver: Ignore Blast: 1 CAP Class

Notes: CANNOT Battle Back

Pay 2x and execute a Retire move pf 2 hexes following Retire rules. Cannot stack with attack

rolled Retire demands.

Can immediately “engineer repair” RAs rolled.

CANNOT control or gain Planetary Control Objectives

Red Alert: Ignore 1 RA

When adjacent to Command Vessel ignore 1 RA

Victory Points: 3


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (Kevin Rolfs <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>)

Purchase Points: 5

Class: Capital

Ship Name: (GB) Gunboat Defense Class

Figures: 1 (+2 shlds)

Sub-light Movement: 1

Battle: [3] - 3 - 3

Unit Hit On: Capital & Blast

Shields & Maneuver: Ignore Blast: 1 Strike Class, 1 F Class

Notes: CANNOT use Full Impulse

Red Alert: Ignore 1 RA

When adjacent to Command Vessel ignore 1 RA

Victory Points: 2?


= = = = = = = = = (Kevin Rolfs This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Cal Pearson<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>; Ed_ Strecker <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>)

Purchase Points: 8/9

Class: Strike

Ship Name: (DE) Destroyer Escort Class (AKA Da Warper)

Figures: 1 (+1 shld)

Sub-light Movement: 2 (Warp 3 once, sacrificing 1 Shield/Ship Model)

Battle: [1(3)] - 2 - 1

Unit Hit On: Strike & Blast

Shields & Maneuver: Ignore Blast: 1 CAP Class

Notes: Can sacrifice Shield/Ship/Model to do 1 Warp 3 (if don’t have, then can’t).

Also has 1augmented attack [3], thereafter 1-2-1.

Cannot Battle Back! Instead, Pay 2x and execute a Retire move of two hexes following all

Retire rules. Cannot stack this Retire with attack rolled Retire demands.

Cannot control or gain Planetary Control Objectives.

Red Alert: Ignore 1 RA

When adjacent to Command Vessel ignore 1 RA

Victory Points: 3


= = = = = = = (Kevin Rolfs<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>; Cal Pearson<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>; Ed_ Strecker <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>)

Purchase Points: 12/14?

Class: Strike

Ship Name: (MS) Mine Layer/Sweeper

Figures: 1 (+1 shld)

Sub-light Movement: 2 (Warp 3 once, sacrificing 1 Shield/Ship Model)

Battle: [1]

Unit Hit On: Strike & Blast

Shields & Maneuver: -

Notes: Cannot Battle Back!

Cannot control or gain Planetary Control Objectives.

------- MINES --------------

If Ordered & moves, pays 1, 2, 3 to lay a mine(s) [of that strength] in hex exited.

Ships entering a mined hex roll strength dice and cause hits on matching Class, Blast and RA.

Capital ships destroyed cause impassible Debris Field/ordinance hazard in that hex.

Removal of mines can be accomplished by 1 of 2 ways:

  1. Ordering a Mine Sweeper in but of course could be attacked (even destroyed). Fortunately, a benefit of Mine Layer/Sweeper is special hull that reduces chances with ignoring 1 Blast and/or 1 RA! Should Mine Sweeper survive, it can reduce strength of mines by 1. The issue becomes at the start of next turn with Mine Sweeper remaining in the mined hex causing a new re-roll of the new mine strength possibly causing damage or destroying. With a new ordering, the Mine Sweeper makes another attempt at eliminating or reducing the mine hex by another strength.

  2. Send a Fighter Class in trying to navigate and dodge shooting one of many mines to reduce field by 1 strength, but mines still get a strength attack initially. Fighter ignores 1 Blast so have a chance (meaning will be affected if F is rolled, and especially if F Class and RA are rolled by attacking mines).

Many possible options (ie. ION Mines, TORPEDO Mines, mine terrain, etc)

Red Alert: When adjacent to Command Vessel ignore 1 RA

Victory Points: 3/4/5?


= = = = = = = = (Kevin Rolfs<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>; Cal Pearson<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>; Ed_ Strecker <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>)

Purchase Points: ?

Class: Strike

Ship Name: (S) Quantum Phase Craft (AKA “The Phase Spider” stellar submarine)

Figures: 1 (+1 shld)

Sub-light Movement: 2 (normal space)/1 (phased)

Requires command to Phase “Out”, likewise “In” and must be separate turns.

Battle: [2] - 2 (normal), No attack Nor able to be Attacked when phased

Unit Hit On: Strike & Blast

Shields & Maneuver: Ignore Blast: 1 Capital Class (Except NOT SP when normal)

Notes: Cannot Battle Back when in “Phased”!

Cannot phase if have RA.

Cannot control or gain Planetary Control Objectives.

Alternative possibilities (Ie. Battle [1] - 1 (phased), Not affected by some terrain when phased, Reduce all attacks by -1 as if cloaked/phased, Cloaked or even hidden movement while phased, Decoy Markers, discovery attempts (remove decoy) cost an attack on hex, RA do not effect when phased, Not able to be attacked when phased, etc)

Red Alert: When adjacent to Command Vessel ignore 1 RA when in normal space.

Victory Points: 4/5?


= = = = = = = = = (Kevin Rolfs<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>)

Purchase Points: 41+?

Class: Capital

Ship Name: (CV3) Alien Tri-Carrier & 3x dF/CAP

Figures: 1 with 3 dF/CAP or 1 with 2 dF/CAP or separate

section @ with 1 dF/CAP

Sub-light Movement: 2

Battle: [2] - 2 - 2

Unit Hit On: Capital & Blast, Confirm when CAP gone

Shields & Maneuver: Ignore Blast: 1 Strike Class, 2 F Class

Notes: dF or @ CAPing dF +1 or @ CAPing dF adds +1 (range fire) but not if Battling Back

Launch dF: NOT move/combat/adj. enemy

Can Order CV3 Separate into 2 or even 3 Sections to Adjacent hexes when NOT

move/combat/adj. enemy/when a section has RA on it.

Likewise, can join Separate Sections in Adjacent hexes when NOT

move/combat/adj. enemy/ when a section has RA on it.

Each section holds a spare wave of dF which can be put into action once 1st wave has been

eliminated (this is due to limits on remote Command & Control, Battle Management <C2BM>).

Red Alert: Ignore 1 RA

When adjacent to Command Vessel ignore 1 RA

Victory Points: 12+?


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (Kevin Rolfs<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>)

Purchase Points: -

Class: Fighter

Ship Name: (dF) Alien Drone Fighter Squadron

Figures: 1 (+1 shld)

Sub-light Movement: 5

Battle: [2(3)] – 1

Can Self Destruct allowing [3]. Not while CAPing though.

Unit Hit On: F & Blast

Shields & Maneuver: Ignore Blast: 1 Capital Class (even against SP)

Notes: dF [2(3)] - 1 or +1 per CAP to carrier’s CQ or Range Fire

Launch dF: NOT move/combat/adj. enemy

May NOT use Combat Card when launched or when battling.

Cannot Battle Back!

Cannot control or gain Planetary Control Objectives.

Cannot Repair.

Alternative possibilities (Full Impulse capable, Warp capable, etc)

Red Alert: Ignore 1 RA

Destroyed if receives a RA

Victory Points: -


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (Kevin Rolfs<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>)

Purchase Points: 21+?

Class: Strike

Ship Name: (BCV) Alien Battlecarrier Squadron & 1x dF/CAP

Figures: 1 (+2 shlds) & 1x dF/CAP

Sub-light Movement: 3

Battle: [3] - 3 - 2 - 1

Unit Hit On: Strike & Blast, CAP absorbs 1st

Shields & Maneuver: Ignore Blast: 1 F Class

Notes: dF or @ CAPing dF +1 or @ CAPing dF adds +1 (range fire) but not if Battling Back

Launch dF: NOT move/combat/adj. enemy

BCV holds a spare wave of dF which can be put into action once 1st wave has been

eliminated (this is due to limits on remote Command & Control, Battle Management <C2BM>).

Red Alert: Ignore 1 RA

When adjacent to Command Vessel ignore 1 RA

Victory Points: 7+?




= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (Kevin Rolfs<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>)

P urchase Points: 17+

Class: Strike

Ship Name: (BC) Alien Battlecruiser Squadron

Figures: 1 (+2 shlds)

Sub-light Movement: 3

B attle: [3] - 3 - 3 - 1

Unit Hit On: Strike & Blast

Shields & Maneuver: Ignore Blast: 1 Strike Class, 1 F Class

Notes: -

Red Alert: When adjacent to Command Vessel ignore 1 RA

Victory Points: 5+?


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (Cal Pearson<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>; Kevin Rolfs<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>)

Purchase Points: 5?

Class: Strike

Ship Name: (CVj) Jeep Carrier Squadron & 1x CF/CAP

Figures: 1 (+1 shlds) & 1x CF/CAP

Sub-light Movement: 2

Battle: [1] -1

Unit Hit On: Strike & Blast, CAP absorbs 1st

Shields & Maneuver: Ignore Blast: 1 F Class

Notes: CF 2 or +1 per CAP

Launch CF: NOT move/combat/adj. enemy

Red Alert: When adjacent to Command Vessel ignore 1 RA

Victory Points: 2?


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (Kevin Rolfs<This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>)

Purchase Points: 20?

Class: Capital

Ship Name: (RF) Repair Facility & 1x CF/CAP

Figures: 1 (+1 shlds) & 1x CF/CAP

Sub-light Movement: 1

Battle: [2] -2 - 2 - 1

Unit Hit On: Capital & Blast, Confirm CAP gone

Shields & Maneuver: Ignore Blast: 1 Strike Class, 1 F Class

Notes: When activated and adjacent damaged or weaken ship can repair vessel (?by Roll matching

class, cost of class 1x F, 2x Strike, 3x Capital?) meaning restoring a single squadron

model/shield/CF/dF, etc.

CF 2 or +1 per CAP or CAPing CF adds +1 (range fire) but not if Battling Back

Launch CF: NOT move/combat/adj. enemy

Cannot control or gain Planetary Control Objectives.

May not move in planet’s orbit.

Alternative possibilities (Ie. Ignore 1 Blast ALL Classes, etc)

Red Alert: Ignore 1 RA

When adjacent to Command Vessel ignore 1 RA

Victory Points: 6/7?