From Red Alert Forum.

Purchase Points 5
Class Fighter
Ship Name (TB) Torpedo Bomber Squadron
Figures 1 (+2 shlds)
Sub-Light Movement

3 hexes


[2] regular CQ or Torpedo Attack [3] - 2

Unit Hit On
Shields & Manoeuvre Ignore Blast: 1 Capital Class (Except NOT SP)

Strike Ships ignore 1 Blast from TB regular

Capital Ships ignore 2 Blast from TB regular

When adjacent to a friendly F unit, Battles Back with [3] regular

------- TORPEDO ATTACKS --------------

When make Torpedo Attack, requires spending a Torpedo Token.

One Time Torpedo Tokens (but can be replenished by moving adjacent to a friendly Carrier,

transport or controlled planet hex.

Can only be used against Strike or Capital Ship (not F)

Inflict 1 Damage as usual

Inflict 1 RA per RA Rolled (regardless of hit or not).

RA inflicted by Torpedoes cannot be mitigated during the attackers turn.

------- ION TORPEDO ATTACKS ----------

Can only be used against Strike and Capital Ships (Not F).

One Time Attack (but can be replenished by moving adjacent to a friendly Carrier,

transport or controlled planet hex).

Inflicts 1 RA and 1 Ion Blast Token.

RA inflicted by Ion Torpedoes cannot be mitigated during the attackers turn.

------- If have ION Blast Token(s) --------------

(optional: 1 additional support purchase point to equip TB)

Can only be used against Strike or Capital Ships (not F)

One Tim Attack (but can be replenished by moving adhacent to friendly Carrier, transport or controlled planet hex)

Inflict NO Damage.

Inflict 1 RA and 1 Ion Blast Token.

Unit may not Battle Back.

Unit may not be ordered during its next turn.

Attackers roll +1 dice against units that have Ion Blast Token. All RA deal damage.

Ion Blast Tokens are removed at the beginning of the 2nd turn after they are received (an afflicted unit must go through 1 full turn until the status is removed).

Red Alert

Ignore 1 RA

When adjacent to command vessel ignore 1 red alert

Victory Points 4



Purchase Points ??
Class Fighter
Ship Name (TB) Alternative Torpedo Bomber Squadron
Figures 1 (+2 shlds)
Sub-Light Movement

3 hexes


# = number of TP (TP + shlds)
‘*’ Using Torpedo marker adds +1d per torpedo vs Strike/Capital ships.

Unit Hit On
Shields & Manoeuvre Ignore Blast: 1 Capital Class (Except NOT SP)
Notes When a carrier launches a LR Fighter, instead can be TB. Place Torpedo marker as noted # above.
Red Alert

When adjacent to command vessel ignore 1 red alert

Victory Points 1
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