Victory Results:
 14 %
Record a victory for BOTTOM ARMY  86 %
Total plays 7 - Last reported by Mark-McG on 2024-06-07 09:06:25

Historical Background

Almost halfway across the galaxy near the sector know as the Cardinal’s Belt, news of the declaration of war reached the two task force commanders. Although there was nothing really to gain in this sector, except for bragging rights, the two commanders set about vying for position before launching their attacks.
The battle lines are drawn and you are in command. The rest is history?

In this scenario, as well as the rest of scenarios, players will have the opportunity to use task force cards, purchase support vessels and deploy their units onto hexes of their own choosing. During set up, place faction markers as well as space features.

Battle Notes

Shuffle and draw one task force card at random and purchase 40 points of support vessels.

Shuffle and draw one task force card at random and purchase 40 points of support vessels.


21 victory points, or the elimination of 8 opposition units

Special Rules

  • Task force cards are used in this scenario. Both faction players draw one card at random.
  • Support vessels are purchased in this scenario. Both faction players purchase 40 points of support vessels.
  • Clearing a sector objective rules are in effect for both factions.

Play Reminder: To determine which player will take the first turn, both players must select one command card from their hand and, at the same time, these cards are revealed. The player’s command card that orders the fewest number of units will take the first turn.

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alecrespi replied the topic:
8 months 3 weeks ago
Scenario annotation by "Chas":
Task Force Cards, Heavy Type Units, Clearing A Sector