I too have been using 28mm figures and customs terrain. It really brings the game to life!
Growing up in the border state of Kentucky my family and I always had a fascination with the American Civil War. So, back when I was a young lad, my family made a trip to Gettysburg, PA. While we were there my father bought me a pack of small, painted ACW figures. They were approximately 28mm in size and fairly detailed. I had such a great time playing with them while on that trip, as well as after I got back home. They really excited my imagination. So I went looking for more information on the civil war at my library. There I found a big, silver American Heritage book named "Picture History of the Civil War" by Bruce Catton. Inside were these amazing paintings of the various battles created by an artist named David Greenspan. Here's a link to a picture of one of the spreads:
That was it. Those two things, the miniatures, and the paintings, pretty much sealed the deal. When I discovered miniature wargaming (through D&D) back in 1977 I was hooked.
Now for years I had been looking for a ACW game that would help me harken back to my earlier years. However, I was kinda late to this party. I knew of the 1st edition BattleCry but just never seemed to cross paths with anyone that had it. When ebay came along I started to purchase it but when I heard that a new edition was in the works I held off. I bought the 150th edition the day it came out, already planning to enlarge it to 28mm.
Years ago there was a game called BattleMasters. It was played on a large hex map with 28mm figures. I used that as a guide for my battlefield scale, created the terrain I needed, and bought and painted a couple of sets of Perry plastics. To show you the results I'll give you a link to some pictures I've posted over at Board Game Geek:
I think there are a total of six photos on that site if you look around a little bit. And I'm still working on this setup. I have lots of plans to continue to improve the way it looks. At the moment I've been creating modular roads. The roads have no effect on the game, they just add visual interest to the board and help to break up the "sea of green". Plus I'm keeping them as historically accurate as I can when it comes to their placement and name.
Anyway, looking forward to seeing this site continue to grow. I hope to contribute as well. At the moment I have a 1st day Gettysburg (afternoon) scenario set up on my kitchen table. I hope to play test it some more and if it seems to be enjoyable I'll post it down the line!