Someshort background around this scenario design.
Michael Dippel designed most of the Zulu War scenarios, and I helped playtest them.
His design of Hlobane
I found kind of awkward, as the terrain seemed to run across the lines rather than being the basis of the position.So in discussion of those merits, Michael suggested I should re-image the scenario, which is what you see here.
The whole re-design was done in a day or less, and copied the original design. So if the scenario seems unpolished and unfinished, that is because it is both those. Definitely needs some re-writing, but if I recall, it played quite reasonably.
Admire your "leftover" figures, something I've considered for some years, but never pulled the trigger because of the limited number of engagements they can be used for.
With the website,can you slow the slideshow speed? Seemed to race past to me, which seemed a shame.