Round 3 / Game 2 Eylau 206 - 8AM to Noon (8 February 1807)
Timothy Phelps - French: 6 banners
Aaron Medina - Russian: 7
The battle began with a French push for the center and the French guns. After some initial success, the Russians counterattacked and drove the French from the hills. The battle shifted to an attack against the Russian left. After two attempts to break the Russians, the Russian cavalry put an end to French hopes on their right flank. The battle shifted back to the center, where reinforcements had arrived from the left flank.
Although taking an enormous risk, the French saw a chance to overpower the Russian units at the edge of the hills. In reality, both sides were desperate. Both sides put everything into an all-out attack, with the Russians emerging victorious.
Thanks to my opponent, Timothy, for a fun, intense game!