Movement: Roll one die when unit or lone leader enters (ordered move and retreat move) onto a wetland hex. Unit symbol rolled will result in loss of one block. Lone leader is lost when a saber is rolled. If leader is attached to unit that loses a block, this loss does not require a leader casualty check.
When a loss is taken, the unit must stop in the hex and move or retreat no further.
If no loss is taken, the unit or lone leader may continue its movement.
• Artillery may not move onto a wetland hex, a wetland hex is treated as impassable terrain for artillery.
Turn Unit Moves onto Wetland: No battle modifiers.
Wetland Protection: No battle modifiers.
Targeting Enemy on Wetland:
• An infantry or cavalry unit does not reduce the number of battle dice rolled.
• An artillery unit may not target a unit on a wetland hex.
Battling from a Wetland:
• An infantry or cavalry unit does not reduce the number of battle dice rolled.
Line of Sight: A wetland hex does not block line of sight.

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mirkobruner replied the topic:
4 years 9 months ago
Entering a Marsh in this game is really dangerous you do it at your own risk. Therefore is not a good idea especially if you are retreating.
You have to roll to check your units.
So it is clear what happens when 1 unit (cavalry, infantry and leaders) enters the swamp (rolling the symbol implies loss of block/leader).

Less so when a Leader is attached to a unit. Rule at page 21 says:
If leader is attached to unit that loses a block, this loss does not require a leader casualty check but what happens if the unit doesn't lose a block? Do I have to roll for my Leader?

Mark-McG replied the topic:
6 years 8 months ago
the rules says if you take loss, the move or retreat is halted.

so I would say retreating units must roll when they enter Marsh.

This makes Marsh different in Napoleonics (no losses), and Ancients (loss roll but no stop).
I avoid Marsh terrain to escape rule confusion
Hawkmoon replied the topic:
6 years 8 months ago

What happens when a unit retreats on a Marsh Hex ?

The situation appeared during Bunker Hill and my opponent Leboucher rolled one die to test his British Grenadiers before make his rally check.

I hope this time it is the right thing to do (because in Memoir'44, a unit retreating into a minefield does not have to check for eventual losses but if it is in frozen river, it has to do !!! I talked about this strange facts with Richard and was not really convinced by him...)