Movement: No movement restrictions.
Turn Unit Moves onto Hill: No battle modifiers.
Hill Protection:
• Unit on hill hex ignores 1 flag when being attacked from a lower level, except from artillery combat.
• Unit on hill hex ignores 1 flag when being attacked from a hill hex in a different group of hill hexes, except from artillery combat.
Targeting Enemy on Hill: No unit battle reductions.
Battling from Hill: No unit battle reductions.
• An artillery unit on a hill hex may fire over a friendly unit or leader that is on an adjacent lower hex as long as that hex has no other terrain feature that would block the artillery unit’s line of sight.
Line of Sight: A hill hex blocks line of sight to units behind a Hill hex.
• A unit on a lower level has line of sight onto the first Hill hex and vice versa.
• A unit on a lower level does not have line of sight through one hill hex onto a second hill hex with a unit and vice versa (i.e. a unit at a lower level is not able to see, or be seen, if at least one other hill hex is in between the two units).
• Line of sight is not blocked between units on the same hill looking across connected hill hexes. The units are considered to be on a plateau.