Temporary Victory Banner Objective

The Victory Banner for this objective hex is immediately gained and is retained as long as a unit of the appropriate side occupies the objective hex. If the unit vacates the hex for any reason (movement, retreat or elimination), the Victory Banner is
immediately lost.

Start Turn Temporary Victory Banner Objective

The Victory Banner for this objective hex is held and captured only as long as a unit of the appropriate side occupies the objective hex at the start of its turn. If the unit vacates the hex for any reason (movement, retreat or elimination), the Victory Banner is immediately lost.

Turn Start Temporary Majority Victory Banner Objective

The Victory Banner for this group of objective hexes goes to the side that has units in an absolute majority of these hexes at the start of its turn. The absolute majority means, occupy more of the hexes in the group than the opponent. If your side occupies 1 hex and your opponent does not occupy any of the hexes in the group, your side occupies the absolute majority. If the majority is lost for any reason (movement, retreat or elimination), the Victory Banner is immediately lost.
Note - A temporary victory banner objective hex is still considered occupied when an ordered unit moves out of the hex and another friendly unit is ordered to occupy the hex during the same movement phase.

Permanent Victory Banner Objective

The Victory Banner in this objective hex is captured and permanently gained the moment a unit of the appropriate side occupies this hex. The Victory Banner is not lost, even if the unit later vacates this hex.

Turn Start Permanent Victory Banner Objective

The Victory Banner in this objective hex is captured and permanently gained when the appropriate side occupies the hex at the start of its turn. The Victory Banner is not lost, even if the unit later vacates this hex.

Clearing a Sector Objective

When clearing a section rules are in effect, the Victory Banner for this objective is permanently gained when there are no enemy units in a section of the battlefield at the start of a player’s turn. The Victory Banner is not lost, even if one or more opposition units again occupy this section. In addition, at the start of each of your turns as long as there are no enemy units in the section, you will gain one additional permanent Victory Banner.
Note - When determining clearing a section, a hex with a dotted line is considered as part of center section.

Breakthrough Objective

When breakthrough objective rules are in effect, the Victory Banner for this objective is permanently gained for each unit that exits the battlefield from an opponent’s baseline hex.

  • To exit the battlefield, a unit must already be on an opponent’s baseline hex start of its turn.
  • To exit the battlefield, the unit must be ordered and move off the battlefield.
  • Moving off the battlefield from a baseline hex counts as one hex of movement.

Withdraw Objective

When withdraw objective rules are in effect, the Victory Banner for this objective is permanently gained for each unit that exits the battlefield from your side’s baseline hex. 

  • To exit the battlefield, a unit must already be on a baseline hex start of its turn.
  • To exit the battlefield, the unit must be ordered and move off the battlefield.
  • Moving off the battlefield from a baseline hex counts as one hex of movement.

Time Pressure Objective

When time pressure objective rules are in effect, normally against the attacking side, the defending player, after playing a “Scout” Command card may take a permanent Victory Banner and draw 1 Command card. This action at the end of the turn replaces the text on the Scout Command card of drawing 2 Command cards, selecting one and keeping the other and drawing 2 Combat cards. It is also possible in a scenario that time pressure objective rules are in effect for both sides. 
Note - Taking a Time pressure Victory banner is not possible, if doing so would give the player the final Victory Banner to win the battle.

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